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Processing Of Certificates Of Cash Deposit Issued By Fogáz Zrt. And Fogáz Földgázelosztó Kft. (hungary-budapest: Financial Consultancy, Financial Transaction Processing And Clearing-house Services) Hungary

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Contract Award's Details : Processing Of Certificates Of Cash Deposit Issued By Fogáz Zrt. And Fogáz Földgázelosztó Kft. (hungary-budapest: Financial Consultancy, Financial Transaction Processing And Clearing-house Services) NKM Földgázszolgáltató Zártköruen Muködo Részvénytársaság AK24216 II. János Pál pápa tér 20. Budapest 1081 Hungary Contact person: Dr. Ködmön Zoltán Gábor Telephone: +36 207780717 E-mail: Fax Processing Of Certificates Of Cash Deposit Issued By Fogáz Zrt. And Fogáz Földgázelosztó Kft. (hungary-budapest: Financial Consultancy, Financial Transaction Processing And Clearing-house Services) Contract award notice: : processing of certificates of cash deposit issued by fogáz zrt. And fogáz földgázelosztó kft. : works contract. Transmission and processing of certificates (hereinafter referred to as checks) issued by fogáz zrt. And fogáz földgázelosztó kft. Through a national network. Handling of counterfeit cash (cash), Electronic creation of itemized analytics. To the contracting authority, The transfer of the received amount to a given bank account number and the transmission of the itemized analytic in a given data structure. Quantity: 20,000,000 checks +/- 15% / year date of contract award: : 01/11/2018 v.2.3) name and address of economic operator to whom the contract has been awarded magyar posta zrt. Dunflower u. 2-6. Budapest 1138 hungary telephone: +36 307712236 e-mail: fax: +36 12881524 nuts code: Hu11 the contractor is an sme: No v.2.4) information on value of contract (in millions of cases) v.2.5) information about subcontracting v.2.6) price paid for bargain purchases section vi: Complementary information vi.3) additional information: 44/2015. (xi.2) mvm regulations: B) tax number of the successful tenderer: 10901232-2-44 vi.4) procedures for review vi.4.1) review body procurement authority public procurement arbitration committee alarm street 5. Budapest 1026 hungary telephone: +36 18828594 e-mail: fax: +36 18828593 vi.4.2) body responsible for mediation proceedings vi.4.3) review procedures precise information on deadline (s) for review procedures: Precise information on deadline (s) for lodging appeals: Kbt. According to § 148. Vi.4.4) service from which the information may be obtained public procurement arbitration committee of the public procurement authority alarm street 5. Budapest 1026 hungary telephone: +36 18828594 e-mail: fax: +36 18828593 vi.5) date of dispatch of this notice: 01/26/2018 × direct links html pdf xml close original language hungary-budapest: Financial advisory, Transaction processing and clearing-house services 2018 / s 020-042710 information on the outcome of the procedure - public services the result of the procurement procedure services directive 2014/25 / eu section i: Contracting authority i.1) name and addresses nkm földgázszolgáltató zártköruen muködo részvénytársaság ak24216 ii. János pál pope square 20. Budapest 1081 hungary contact person: Dr. Ködmön zoltán gábor phone: +36 207780717 e-mail: fax: +36 14771117 nuts code: Hu110 (s): General address of the contracting authority: Http:// address of the buyer profile : Http:// i.1) name and addresses nkm földgázhálózati kft. Ak02400 ii. János pál pope square 20. Budapest 1081 hungary contact person: Dr. Ködmön zoltán gábor phone: +36 207780717 e-mail: fax: +36 14771117 nuts Hungary Contract value : See in details Contractors : MAGYAR POSTA ZRT. See in details 30/01/2018 30/04/2018 10503179 30/01/2018 NKM Földgázszolgáltató Zártköruen Muködo Részvénytársaság AK24216 II. János Pál pápa tér 20. Budapest 1081 Hungary Contact person: Dr. Ködmön Zoltán Gábor Telephone: +36 207780717 E-mail: Fax Address : Hungary Hungary Contract Awards Hungary 42710-2018 See in details 30/04/2018 See in details
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