Contract Details

Fasteners (fast Installation (fungus 6 * 60), Fast Mounting (fungus 6 * 80), Screw flea, Screws on a Tree 3.5 * 55, Tree Screw 3.5 * 75, Tree Screws 4.8 * 90, Tree Screw 4,8 * 150, .... Ukraine

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Contract Award's Details : Fasteners (fast Installation (fungus 6 * 60), Fast Mounting (fungus 6 * 80), Screw flea, Screws on a Tree 3.5 * 55, Tree Screw 3.5 * 75, Tree Screws 4.8 * 90, Tree Screw 4,8 * 150, .... VEHICLE SETTLEMENT COUNCIL Fasteners (fast Installation (fungus 6 * 60), Fast Mounting (fungus 6 * 80), Screw flea, Screws on a Tree 3.5 * 55, Tree Screw 3.5 * 75, Tree Screws 4.8 * 90, Tree Screw 4,8 * 150, .... Title: Fasteners (fast installation (fast mounting (fungus 6 * 60), fast mounting (fungus 6 * 80), Screw Flea, Screws on a tree 3.5 * 55, Screws on a tree 3.5 * 75, Screws on a tree 4 , 8 * 90, Tree Screw 4.8 * 150, Tree Screw 3.5 * 45, Tree Screw 3.5 * 35, Tree Screw 3.5 * 25, Metal Screw 3.5 * 25, Screws for wood 120) Purchaser: Visual settlement council Purchase ID: UA-2021-03-29-007428-B ESTIMATED COST: 832000 Award Date: 2021-03-29 Quick mounting (mushroom 6 * 60) Code DK 021: 2015: 44530000-4 Fasteners of details produced Quick mounting (mushroom 6 * 80) Code DK 021: 2015: 44530000-4 Fasteners of details produced Screw Flea Code DK 021: 2015: 44530000-4 Fasteners of details produced Screwed wood 3,5 * 55, Code DK 021: 2015: 44530000-4 Fasteners of details produced Tree screw 3.5 * 75 Code DK 021: 2015: 44530000-4 Fasteners of details produced Screwed wood 4,8 * 90 Code DK 021: 2015: 44530000-4 Fasteners of details produced Self-timed wood 4,8 * 150 Code DK 021: 2015: 44530000-4 Fasteners of details produced Screws for wood 3.5 * 45 Code DK 021: 2015: 44530000-4 Fasteners of details produced Tree screws 3.5 * 35 DC code ... Ukraine Contract value : 832,000.00 UAH Contractors : PITY: PODDUBNY YURIY VALERIEVICH 29/03/2021 30/03/2021 See in details 77178837 30/03/2021 VEHICLE SETTLEMENT COUNCIL Address : Ukraine, 62460, Kharkiv region, urban-type settlement, Boulevard street, 12 NAME: Marina Morozov Phone: +380577464431. Ukraine Ukraine Contract Awards Ukraine 29/03/2021 See in details 832,000.00 UAH
Marinas Bolt Highway Highway Highway Fastener Metal Can
Fasteners Trees Parts of other vehicles Mushrooms Wood Dates Tools, locks, keys, hinges, fasteners, chain and springs
Wood Screws Awards IP phones
CIS Countries Europe
Automobiles and Auto Parts Supply Printing and Publishing Metals and Non-Metals Defence and Security Construction Agriculture-Food and Beverages Energy-Power and Electrical Computer Hardwares and Consumables Steel Marine
Contract Value
832,000.00 UAH
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