Contract Details

Delegation of the Management of the Public Service of County Transport of Persons Through Regular Races at the Level of Mures County - Lots 1; 3; 5; 10; 11; 13; 14 and 17 Romania

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Contract Award's Details : Delegation of the Management of the Public Service of County Transport of Persons Through Regular Races at the Level of Mures County - Lots 1; 3; 5; 10; 11; 13; 14 and 17 MURES COUNTY Delegation of the Management of the Public Service of County Transport of Persons Through Regular Races at the Level of Mures County - Lots 1; 3; 5; 10; 11; 13; 14 and 17 Document Type: ARWARD NOTICE AGREEMENT Title: delegation of the management of the public service of county transport of persons through regular races at the level of Mures county - lots 1; 3; 5; 10; 11; 13; 14 and 17 Contract No.: 1m/2270 Reference Number: 1/A-LEGEA 99/4322980/2022 Type contract: Services Estimated Value: 10005276 - Ron Description: The object of the contract is the delegation of tasks and responsibilities to the operator/operators regarding the actual provision of the public transport service within the administrative-territorial area of Mures county, including the right and the obligation to administer and exploit the related transport infrastructure the service. br The Public Transport Service on the administrative-territorial area of Mures county comprises 156 structured routes on 17 groups. br Considering the balanced grouping of the routes, avoiding the overlap of several operators on the same route, the fair distribution of the routes between the operators, the contracting entity established the assignment of the sectoral acquisition of delegation of the public transport service through regular races at the level ... Romania Contract value : 10,005,276.00 RON Contractors : S.C. MINIBUS TOUR S.R.L., SIGVIO SRL 25/01/2023 16/03/2023 01/01/1900 79146108 16/03/2023 MURES COUNTY Address : Address: Street: Victoriei Square, nr. 1 Town: Târgu Mures NUTS-CODE: RO313 - Dâmbovita Postal Code: 540026 Contact Point: Carmen Patran PHONE: +40 265263211 Fax: +40 265268718 Romania Romania Contract Awards Romania 25/01/2023 01/01/1900 10,005,276.00 RON
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Contract Value
10,005,276.00 RON
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