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emergency Repairs of a Movable Van Bulgaria

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Contract Award's Details : emergency Repairs of a Movable Van BLAGOEVGRAD MUNICIPALITY delivery of Consumables for Clinical and in Vitro Laboratories to Psagbal St. Sofia Ead Document Type: Contract Award Notice Title: Delivery of consumables for clinical and in vitro laboratories to PSAGBAL Saint Sofia EAD Contract No. : 111886 Reference Number: 2023/S 194-606919 Contract Type: Supplies ESTIMATED VALUE: 7954.36 - Bgn Description: The subject of this public procurement is the delivery of consumables for the needs of clinical and in vitro laboratories to PSAGBAL St. Sofia EAD in 2 lots, divided into groups and nom. Units described in detail in the notice and technical specification. Pursuant to §47a of the Transitional and Final Provisions of the PPPOP, the contracting authority allows participation in separate nomenclature units included in the separate positions, with the exception of the nomenclature units included in a group, for which participants should submit a complex offer for the group. The deliveries on the subject of this order are negotiated and made within the estimated quantities of the technical specifications in each lot for each of the indicated groups and nomenclatures. The contract for the execution of the contract shall enter into force from the date of its signing on both parties, and has a term of operation until 01.04.24. Pore ... Bulgaria Contract value : 3,834.91 BGN Contractors : BIOSTROY LTD. 19/09/2023 10/10/2023 01/01/1900 79960517 10/10/2023 FIRST SPECIALIZED OBSTETRIC AND GYNECOLOGICAL HOSPITAL FOR ACTIVE TREATMENT ST. SOFIA EAD Address : Address: Mihalaki Tashev St. Town: Sofia Nuts -Code: BG414 - Pernik / Pernik Postal Code: 1330 Contact Point: Maria Mihailova Phone: +359 24470245 FAX: +359 24470245 Bulgaria Bulgaria Contract Awards Bulgaria 03/10/2023 01/01/1900 7,954.36 BGN
Justice Bolt Justice Turned Product and Screw Other Justice Other Justice Machine Shops; Turned Product; and Screw
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Environment and Pollution-Recycling Automobiles and Auto Parts Supply Postal and Courier Services Roads and Highways-Bridge Law and Legal Construction Agriculture-Food and Beverages Energy-Power and Electrical Computer Hardwares and Consumables Steel Industry Laboratory Equipment and Services Marine
Contract Value
7,954.36 BGN
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