Contract Details

Access and Transmission of Electricity Through the Electricity Distribution Network for Sites Managed by the National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria Bulgaria

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Contract Award's Details : Access and Transmission of Electricity Through the Electricity Distribution Network for Sites Managed by the National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria NATIONAL ASSEMBLY OF THE REPUBLIC OF BULGARIA Delivery of Net Electricity for Low Voltage and Selection of a Coordinator of a Balancing Group for the Buildings of Svishtov Municipality and the Units of Budget Support to Svishtov Municipality for 1 Year. Document Type: Contract award notice Title: Supply of net electricity for low voltage and selection of a coordinator of a balancing group for the buildings of Svishtov Municipality and the units of budget support to Svishtov Municipality for 1 year. Contract No. : 94-D-240 Reference Number: 2021 / S 021-049485 Contract Type: Supplies Estimated Value: 540000 - BGN Description: 1. Supply of active electricity for low voltage for the properties owned and used by the Municipality of Svishtov, Municipality Social Activities, other educational activities, administrator Culture, OP Cleanliness - Svishtov, OP Markets - Svishtov , OP Rites - Svishtov ; 2. Inclusion of the sites in a standard balancing group with a contractor coordinator, provision of a service for forecasting the consumption, preparation and submission of hourly daily schedules by the coordinator of the balancing group, taking responsibility for balancing and all activities related to participation in the free market. electricity of the contracting authority. 3. Payment for network services, as well as all other normatively determined prices. Estimated amount of electricity for 1 year is 3,000 MWh. <... Bulgaria Contract value : 248,500.00 BGN Contractors : CEZ DISTRIBUTION BULGARIA AD 06/08/2020 01/02/2021 See in details 77062459 02/02/2021 SVISHTOV MUNICIPALITY Address : Address: Ul. Tsanko Tserkovski 2 Town: Svishtov NUTS-Code: BG331 - Varna Postal Code: 5250 Contact Point: Daniela Yordanova Stankova Phone: +359 63168111 Fax: +359 63160504 Bulgaria Bulgaria Contract Awards Bulgaria 26/01/2021 See in details 540,000.00 BGN
Transmission, cam- and crank- shafts Electricity distribution Networks Networking, Internet and intranet software development services Balances Supports Electricity, heating, solar and nuclear energy Construction work for buildings relating to leisure, sports, culture, lodging and restaurants Networking, Internet and intranet software package Other services Electricity Postal orders
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Civil Works Building Automobiles and Auto Parts Supply Postal and Courier Services Roads and Highways-Bridge Printing and Publishing Services Railways-Rail-Railroad Education and Training Defence and Security Electricity Construction Energy-Power and Electrical Computer Hardwares and Consumables Steel Industry Aviation Building Material Marine
Contract Value
540,000.00 BGN
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