Contract Details

Provision of Communications and Event Organisation Services Hungary

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Contract Award's Details : Provision of Communications and Event Organisation Services EUROPEAN INSTITUTE OF INNOVATION AND TECHNOLOGY (EIT) Provision of Communications and Event Organisation Services Document Type : Contract award notice Title : Provision of Communications and Event Organisation Services Contract No. : 04/2021/EITPROC Reference Number : 04/2021/OP/PROC Contract Type : Services Estimated Value : 10000000.00 - EUR Description : Communication services: These tasks cover the design, preparation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of integrated information and communication activities of the contracting authority in the field of their respective EU policies and programmes. The contracting authority may ask the contractor to provide the whole range of activities that make up an information and communication campaign activities or a single activity. Events, conferences and training sessions: These tasks cover support to the EIT in the organisation of physical and digital events, such as conferences, workshops, networking sessions, info days, exhibitions, press trips, press conferences and training sessions. Events may take place online, face to face or as a hybrid of both and this includes video conferences, webinars, small-scale and large digital conferences, workshops, networking sessions and other types of remote conferencing. 72212500 - Communication and multimedia software development services 32417000 - Multimedia networks 79340000 - Advertising and marketing services 79822500 - Graphic design services 79950000 - Exhibition, fair and congress organisation services 79952000 - Event serv... Hungary Contract value : 10,000,000.00 EUR Contractors : ICF NEXT S.A. 19/03/2022 16/04/2022 01/01/1900 78270103 16/04/2022 EUROPEAN INSTITUTE OF INNOVATION AND TECHNOLOGY (EIT) Address : Address : Neumann Janos utca 1 Town : Budapest NUTS-Code : HU110 - Budapest Postal Code : 1117 Hungary Hungary Contract Awards Hungary 19/03/2022 01/01/1900 10,000,000.00 EUR
Graphic Design Services Advertising
Advertising, propaganda and information film and video-tape production Exhibition, fair and congress organisation services Presses Networks Networking, Internet and intranet software development services Lavatory seats, covers, bowls and cisterns Multimedia networks Training, workout or aerobic services Supports Networking, Internet and intranet software package Other services Radio, television, communication, telecommunication and related equipment Postal orders Designs
Eastern Europe Europe
Building Environment and Pollution-Recycling Automobiles and Auto Parts Non-Renewable Energy Supply Postal and Courier Services Roads and Highways-Bridge Services Education and Training Defence and Security Construction Energy-Power and Electrical Computer Hardwares and Consumables Steel Petroleum Products Building Material Marine
Contract Value
10,000,000.00 EUR
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