Contract Details

Framework Agreement - Cadastral and Tabulation Services Immovable Property in the Patrimony or Administration of Sector 4 of the Municipality of Bucharest Romania

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Contract Award's Details : Framework Agreement - Cadastral and Tabulation Services Immovable Property in the Patrimony or Administration of Sector 4 of the Municipality of Bucharest SECTOR 4 (CITY HALL OF SECTOR 4 BUCHAREST) Framework Agreement - Cadastral and Tabulation Services Immovable Property in the Patrimony or Administration of Sector 4 of the Municipality of Bucharest Document Type: ARWARD NOTICE AGREEMENT Title: Framework agreement - Cadastre and tabulation services Real estate in the patrimony or administration of sector 4 of the municipality of Bucharest Contract No.: 981 Reference Number: 4316422/2019/30 Type contract: Services Description: Sector 4 of the Municipality of Bucharest wants to perfect a framework agreement with an economic operator, authorized provider of cadastral and topography services, to ensure the elaboration of the cadastral documentation required by the legal norms in force in order to tabulate the buildings that they manage and /or certification of the legal situation of the respective buildings by registering in the land book. br The framework agreement will be concluded for a period of 4 years, and annual subsequent contracts will be perfected according to the available funds provided each year. br Each subsequent contract will refer to one or more of the buildings (lands with or without buildings) in the administration of sector 4 of the Bucharest Municipality. br Depending on the category of cadastral documentation requested for each building it may be necessary real ... Romania Contract value : See in details Contractors : SC THEOTOP SRL, CORNEL & CORNEL TOPOEXIM S.R.L, KOMORA ENGINEERING S.R.L. 03/04/2023 10/04/2023 01/01/1900 79211836 10/04/2023 SECTOR 4 (CITY HALL OF SECTOR 4 BUCHAREST) Address : Address: Nr. 6-16 Town: Bucuresti NUTS-CODE: RO - Romania Postal Code: 040532 Contact Point: Jordana Hudisteanu Phone: +40 213360360 Fax: +40 213360360 Romania Romania Contract Awards Romania 03/04/2023 01/01/1900 See in details
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