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Technical Assistance Service Contract for Project Management and Supervision of Works (at Mp-sl), Project Audit and Environmental Factors Monitoring Romania

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Contract Award's Details : Technical Assistance Service Contract for Project Management and Supervision of Works (at Mp-sl), Project Audit and Environmental Factors Monitoring PUBLIC UTILITY COMPANY DUNAREA BRAILA Technical Assistance Service Contract for Project Management and Supervision of Works (at Mp-sl), Project Audit and Environmental Factors Monitoring Document Type: ARWARD NOTICE AGREEMENT Titles: Technical assistance service contract for project management and supervision of works (AT MP-SL), project audit and environmental factors Contract No.: 2 Reference Number: Poim-Br-Cs Type Contract: Services Estimated Value: 40781030 - Ron Description: The object of the contract is the provision of the technical assistance services for project management, the supervision of the works contracts, the project audit and the monitoring of the environmental factors for the Regional project for the development of water and waste water in Braila county, between 2014 - 2020 in order to achieve the general objective and those specific to the POIM assumed by the OR by the financing contract. br Notes: In accordance with the provisions of art.172, par. (1) of Law no. 99/2016, any interested economic operator has the right to request additional clarifications or information in relation to the award documentation, in compliance with the deadline established by the contracting entity. br The contracting entity establishes 2 deadlines until it will clearly respond ... Romania Contract value : 40,781,030.00 RON Contractors : RAMBOLL DANMARK A/S (ASSOCIATE), RAMBOLL SOUTH EAST EUROPE SRL (ASSOCIATION LEADER) 11/01/2023 19/01/2023 01/01/1900 78988769 19/01/2023 PUBLIC UTILITY COMPANY DUNAREA BRAILA Address : Address: no. 1 Town: Braila Nuts -Code: RO221 - Braila Postal Code: 810140 Contact Point: Silviu Mangirea Phone: +40 239692900 Fax: +40 239693209 Romania Romania Contract Awards Romania 11/01/2023 01/01/1900 40,781,030.00 RON
Justice Bolt Regulation and Administration of Communications Justice Turned Product and Screw Scenic and Sightseeing Transportation Other Justice Regulation and Administration of Communications Management Other Justice Machine Shops; Turned Product; and Screw Water
Earthmoving and excavating machinery, and associated parts Nuts Monitors Public utilities Other services Seats, chairs and related products, and associated parts Postal orders
Eastern Europe Europe
Environment and Pollution-Recycling Automobiles and Auto Parts Supply Postal and Courier Services Law and Legal Environmental Work Printing and Publishing Services Railways-Rail-Railroad Construction Energy-Power and Electrical Computer Hardwares and Consumables Steel
Contract Value
40,781,030.00 RON
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