Contract Details

Program for Collecting and Managing and Incineration of All Kinds of Dead Animals and Seized Food and Taking Brain Tissue Samples from Dead Cattle and Sheep and Goats Greece

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Contract Award's Details : Program for Collecting and Managing and Incineration of All Kinds of Dead Animals and Seized Food and Taking Brain Tissue Samples from Dead Cattle and Sheep and Goats ATTICA REGION, GENERAL DIVISION OF FINANCIAL, ECONOMIC DIVISION, DEPARTMENT OF OPEN PROCEDURAL PROCEDURES Program for Collecting and Managing and Incineration of All Kinds of Dead Animals and Seized Food and Taking Brain Tissue Samples from Dead Cattle and Sheep and Goats Document Type: Contract AWARD NOTICE TITLE: Program for collecting and managing or incineration of all kinds of dead animals and seized food and taking brain tissue samples from dead cattle and sheep and goats CONTRACT NO. : 35/2021 Reference Number: 2022 / s 030-076734 CONTRACT TYPE: SERVICES ESTIMATED VALUE: 900000.00 - EUR Description: a) Collection, management, rejection and / or incineration of dead animals ie: i. of bovine, goats and sheep cares, which are found dead in or outside of livestock farms ii. of deaths of dead bovine animals, and sheep and goats that do not fit into the animals of the previous paragraph, which are found dead in or outside of livestock farms. (b) collection, management, rejection and / or incineration (where applicable national and Community legislation) of 'other dead animals', namely: the poor of all kinds and all ages of animals that are found dead, in starked facilities ( Pigs, Horrose, etc.) or along the national road network or public or municipal land. (c) contemplation, management, rejection or incurred ... Greece Contract value : 900,000.00 EUR Contractors : KAFSIS MONOPROSOPI INDUSTRIAL AND ENERGY ANONYME COMPANY 21/10/2021 21/02/2022 01/01/1900 78132314 21/02/2022 ATTICA REGION, GENERAL DIVISION OF FINANCIAL, ECONOMIC DIVISION, DEPARTMENT OF OPEN PROCEDURAL PROCEDURES Address : ADDRESS: L.ISGROU 80-88 Town: Athens NUTS-CODE: EL303 - Central Sector of Athens / Kentrikos Tomeas Athinon Postal Code: 11741 CONTACT POINT: KYRIAKOU GEORIKSOPOULOS Phone: +30 2132065137 Fax: +30 2132065015 Greece Greece Contract Awards Greece 21/10/2021 01/01/1900 900,000.00 EUR
Justice Justice Other Justice Scenic and Sightseeing Transportation Commercial Management Other Justice
Farming, hunting and fishing products Collection, transport and disposal of hospital waste Construction work for pipelines, communication and power lines, for highways, roads, airfields and ra... Livestock Networks Networking, Internet and intranet software development services Construction, foundation and surface works for highways, roads Agricultural, farming, fishing, forestry and related products Cattle, livestock and small animals Small animals Other community, social and personal services Pigs Foundation work for highways, roads, streets and footpaths Construction work for highways, roads Food, beverage and tobacco-processing machinery Networking, Internet and intranet software package Sheep Food, beverages, tobacco and related products Other services Goats Cattle Postal orders
Livestock Sheep Goats Cattle Awards Case making services IP phones
Europe Southern Europe Western Europe
Automobiles and Auto Parts Supply Postal and Courier Services Roads and Highways-Bridge Printing and Publishing Defence and Security Construction Agriculture-Food and Beverages Energy-Power and Electrical Computer Hardwares and Consumables Steel
Contract Value
900,000.00 EUR
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