Contract Details

Disassembly / Disposal, Delivery, Assembly, Commissioning and Maintenance of Smoke Detectors in Saxony-anhalt and Lower Saxony - Voek 023-21 Germany

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Contract Award's Details : Disassembly / Disposal, Delivery, Assembly, Commissioning and Maintenance of Smoke Detectors in Saxony-anhalt and Lower Saxony - Voek 023-21 FEDERAL AGENCY FOR REAL ESTATE TASKS Disassembly / Disposal, Delivery, Assembly, Commissioning and Maintenance of Smoke Detectors in Saxony-anhalt and Lower Saxony - Voek 023-21 Document Type: Contract Award Notice Title: disassembly / disposal, delivery, assembly, commissioning and maintenance of smoke detectors in Saxony-Anhalt and Lower Saxony - Voek 023-21 Contract no. : Voek 023-21 Reference Number: Voek 023-21 Contract Type: Services Estimated Value: 1.00 - EUR Description: The benefits include disassembly / disposal, delivery, assembly, commissioning and maintenance of a total of 14,271 pieces of smoke detectors (RWM), divided into 8 lots, in residential properties in several places mostly Lower Saxony and in Saxony-Anhalt. The individual lots include the aforementioned services for the following numbers of RWM: Lot 1: 758 St. Lot 2: 2,167 St. Lot 3: 1,712 St. Lot 4: 1,750 St. Lot 5: 2,130 St. Lot 6: 2.301 St. Lot 7: 1,145 St. Lot 8: 2.308 St. The performance period is 10 years each. 51220000 - Installation Services of Checking Equipment 34990000 - Control, Safety, Signalling and Light Equipment 50711000 - Repair and Maintenance Services of Electrical Building Installation Authority Type: Body Governed by Public Law <B ... Germany Contract value : 1.00 EUR Contractors : PYREXX GMBH, OBJECT GMBH 01/11/2021 07/12/2021 01/01/1900 77901158 07/12/2021 FEDERAL AGENCY FOR REAL ESTATE TASKS Address : Berlin Berlin Germany Germany Contract Awards Germany 01/11/2021 01/01/1900 1.00 EUR
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Contract Value
1.00 EUR
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