Contract Details

Condie road upgrades Canada

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Contract Award's Details : Condie road upgrades City of Regina, Purchasing Branch 2476 Victoria Avenue, 5th Floor, PO Box 1790 Regina, SK, Canada S4P 3C8; Attn: Arif Karedia Phone:306-777-7333 Email: Condie road upgrades Contract Awarded for Condie Road Upgrades Sealed Tenders marked COR2810 Condie Road Upgrades using the submission label Appendix A) will be received by the City of Regina at the 5th Floor, Purchasing Branch or Main Floor, Ambassadors Desk at City Hall, 2476 Victoria Avenue, P.O. Box 1790, Regina, Saskatchewan, S4P 3C8, no later than 2:00 P.M. Central Standard Time, June 14, 2016. The major items of work are as follows: Roadway excavation to embankment including hauling approximately 1400 m3; Waste excavation including hauling approximately 800 m3; Supply and place geotextile of approximately 1200 m2 of subgrade surface; Subgrade preparation of approximately 8500 m2; Supply and place subbase course approximately 3700 t; Supply and place granular base course approximately 6500 t; Supply and place arterial/industrial asphaltic concrete approximately 2400 t; Supply and place coarse grass seeding approximately 7500 m2; and Supply and place asphaltic primer or tack coat approximately 29,000 m2. n A pre-tender meeting will be held on June 7, 2016 at 1:00 P.M., C.S.T. at the Darlene Hincks Committee Room, City Hall, 2476 Victoria Avenue, Regina, SK. A site visit at the intersection of Dewdney Avenue and Condie Road will be held following the pre-tender meeting. Estimated Cost: $769,072.50 Awarded Date: Jun 17, 2016 Canada Contract value : 769,073.00 CAD Contractors : PASQUA PAVING See in details 18/06/2016 17/09/2016 9176146 18/06/2016 City of Regina, Purchasing Branch 2476 Victoria Avenue, 5th Floor, PO Box 1790 Regina, SK, Canada S4P 3C8; Attn: Arif Karedia Phone:306-777-7333 Email: Address : Canada Canada Contract Awards Canada COR2810 See in details 17/09/2016 769,073.00 CAD
Metal Can
Ornamental plants, grasses, mosses or lichens Construction work for pipelines, communication and power lines, for highways, roads, airfields and ra... Embankment works Mains Construction, foundation and surface works for highways, roads Desks Coats Labels Foundation work for highways, roads, streets and footpaths Concrete Construction work for highways, roads Concrete work Boxes Seeds Staples, tacks, drawing pins Tacks Dates
Awards Labels Desks Surface IP phones Geotextile Boxes
APEC Countries North America Northern America
Automobiles and Auto Parts Non-Renewable Energy Supply Roads and Highways-Bridge Infrastructure Construction Energy-Power and Electrical Computer Hardwares and Consumables Steel Industry Textile-Apparel and Footwear Marine
Contract Value
769,073.00 CAD
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