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Maintenance and Technical Assistance Services Hardware and Software for Central Servers, Including for Oracle and Quest Software Software Romania

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Contract Award's Details : Maintenance and Technical Assistance Services Hardware and Software for Central Servers, Including for Oracle and Quest Software Software MINISTRY OF PUBLIC FINANCE Maintenance and Technical Assistance Services Hardware and Software for Central Servers, Including for Oracle and Quest Software Software Document Type: ARWARD NOTICE AGREEMENT Titles: maintenance and technical assistance services hardware and software for central servers, including for Oracle and Quest Software Installed Contract No.: 697450 Reference Number: 4221306_2018_36 Type Contract: Services Description: Lot I - Hardware and software maintenance IBM: - services for repairing and maintaining hardware and software maintenance of computer equipment, reactive type (reactive services of current hardware and system software for maintaining all servers that are or will enter the post -guard period); br - Technical assistance services (computer science) hardware and software, of proactive type (proactive services of hardware technical assistance for design, configuration, commissioning and optimization servers) and software assistance services, upon request. Oracle and Quest Software software products are exempted on the batch 3. Lot II-Hardware and software maintenance non-IBM: - Services for repairing and maintenance of hardware and software of the team ... Romania Contract value : See in details Contractors : Q-EAST SOFTWARE, IBM ROMANIA S.R.L., ETA2U 15/06/2022 27/06/2022 01/01/1900 78419267 27/06/2022 MINISTRY OF PUBLIC FINANCE Address : Address: Street: Libertatii, nr. 16 Town: Bucuresti NUTS-CODE: RO213 - Iasi Postal Code: 050741 Contact Point: Carmen Cimpeanu PHONE: +40 212262400 Fax: +40 213199792 Romania Romania Contract Awards Romania 15/06/2022 01/01/1900 See in details
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