Contract Details

Coordination Service for Security and Occupational Health Maintenance Works of Drinking Water and Sanitation in the Altafulla Population. Spain

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Contract Award's Details : Coordination Service for Security and Occupational Health Maintenance Works of Drinking Water and Sanitation in the Altafulla Population. MIXED COMPANY OF ALTAFULLA, S.A. Contract for Fuel Supply for Vehicles and Machinery of the Mobile and Fuel Park for Heating and Acs of Different Municipal Facilities of the Moià City Council Contract for fuel supply for vehicles and machinery of the mobile and fuel park for heating and acs of different municipal facilities of the Moià City Council <B> Description of the benefit: Fuel supply service for vehicles and machinery of the mobile and decompables for heating and ACS of different municipal facilities of Moià <B> LOT DESCRIPTION: Supply of fuel for vehicles and machinery of the mobile park Supply of fuel for heating and hot water (ACS) of different municipal facilities by <B> Estimated value of the contract: € 47,10,74 without VAT <B> Data from the awarded company: Denomination: Gas-Oils Rovira, S.L. Nationality: Spain Amount: € 7,585.71 with VAT Amount No VAT: 6.269.18 € Lot number: 2 Buy innovation: No Lot description: Fuel supply for heating and hot water (ACS) of different equipment Municipal Date of Adjudication of the Contract: 06/15/21 Term for the formalization of the contract :. Reason for award: Best Total score CPV Code: 09100000 NU ... Spain Contract value : 21,699.60 EUR Contractors : ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT AND URBANISM S.A 15/06/2021 22/06/2021 15/06/2022 77356484 24/06/2021 MOIÀ CITY COUNCIL Address : Spain Spain Contract Awards Spain 15/06/2021 15/06/2022 47,107.74 EUR
Other Direct Insurance (except Life Ventilation Securities Plumbing Architectural Scenic and Sightseeing Transportation Machinery Direct Insurance (except Life Direct Life Plumbing Research and Development in the Physical Management Ventilation Research and Development in the Physical Water
Petroleum products, fuel, electricity and other sources of energy Hot water Engineering, auxiliary, average, loss, actuarial and salvage insurance services Fuels Heating works Electricity, heating, solar and nuclear energy Drinking water Vats Parts of other vehicles Other services Security, fire-fighting, police and defence equipment Heating, ventilation and air-conditioning installation work Parts of fuel, hand and concrete pumps Dates
Europe Southern Europe Western Europe
Automobiles and Auto Parts Non-Renewable Energy Supply Security Services Roads and Highways-Bridge Oil and Gas Water and Sanitation Machinery and Equipments-M&E Defence and Security Electricity Construction Energy-Power and Electrical Computer Hardwares and Consumables Steel Aviation
Contract Value
47,107.74 EUR
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