Contract Details

Subscription Maintenance of Cctv Systems and Access Control in P/st Plovdiv Bulgaria

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Contract Award's Details : Subscription Maintenance of Cctv Systems and Access Control in P/st Plovdiv NETWORK OPERATING DISTRICT - PLOVDIV Conducting Ee and Certification for the Ee, an Examination for Establishing Them. Characteristics Under Article 169, Para. 1 (item 1-5) and Para 3 of the Spa, Arch. Smobs and Tech Pasport of the Building Document Type: Contract Award Notice Title: conducting an EE and EE certification inspection, an examination for establishing them. Characteristics under Article 169, para. 1 (item 1-5) and para 3 of the SPA, Arch. Smoking and Tech Pasapport of the building Contract No. : 91535 Reference Number: 93-op22-79 Contract Type: Services ESTIMATED VALUE: 95767.56 - Bgn Description: “Selection of contractors for performing energy efficiency and certification for energy efficiency, preparation of an audit for establishing the technical characteristics related to the requirements of Art. 169, para. 1 (items 1 - 5) and para. 3 of the Spatial Planning Act, Architectural Certification and a technical passport of the building in connection with the submission of project proposals under the procedure Support for sustainable energy renovation of the residential building fund - Stage I, investment Energy Efficiency in the Building Fund under component 4 low carbon economy “Funded by the National Plan for the Restoration and Sustainability of Multi -Family Residential Buildings on the territory of Burgas Municipality in 12 lots. The scope, the main parameters and the conditions under which the activities included in the public procurement will be implemented ... Bulgaria Contract value : 5,000.00 BGN Contractors : EN ER JI SOFT EOD 09/05/2023 12/05/2023 01/01/1900 79287235 16/05/2023 BURGAS MUNICIPALITY Address : ADDRESS: ul. Aleksandrovska 26 TOWN: BURGAS NUTS-CODE: BG341 - BURGAS / Burgas Postal Code: 8000 Contact Point: Yanislav Tenev Phone: +359 56907269 FAX: +359 56841996 Bulgaria Bulgaria Contract Awards Bulgaria 28/04/2023 01/01/1900 95,767.56 BGN
Arts Justice Electric Power Transmission Justice Architectural Other Justice Other Justice Funds
Restoration work System, storage and content management software package Mains Networks Networking, Internet and intranet software development services Control, safety, signalling and light equipment Architectural, engineering and planning services Control, safety or signalling equipment for inland waterways Carbon Architectural, engineering and surveying services Control, safety or signalling equipment for parking facilities Command, control, communication systems Supports Control, safety or signalling equipment for port installations Command, control, communication and computer systems System, storage and content management software development services Networking, Internet and intranet software package Pressure-reducing, control, check or safety valves Other services Passports Control, safety or signalling equipment for roads Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services Postal orders Control, safety or signalling equipment for airports Works of art
Eastern Europe Europe
Civil Works Building Automobiles and Auto Parts Supply Architecture Energy Postal and Courier Services Roads and Highways-Bridge Oil and Gas Law and Legal Services Railways-Rail-Railroad Smart Cards and other Access Control System Defence and Security Electricity Construction Agriculture-Food and Beverages Energy-Power and Electrical Sports and Leisure Computer Hardwares and Consumables Steel Aviation Building Material
Contract Value
95,767.56 BGN
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