Contract Details

Frame Agreement Agreement Maintenance Works During the Summer Roads in Cluj County, 5 Lots Romania

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Contract Award's Details : Frame Agreement Agreement Maintenance Works During the Summer Roads in Cluj County, 5 Lots CLUJ COUNTY (COUNTY COUNCIL) Frame Agreement Agreement Maintenance Works During the Summer Roads in Cluj County, 5 Lots Document Type: ARWARD NOTICE AGREEMENT Title: Framec agreement for maintenance works during the summer roads in Cluj county, 5 lots Contract No.: 35889/293 Reference Number: 428811020225119 Type Contract: Works Estimated Value: 341095055.42 - Ron Description: Summer maintenance work of the county roads in Cluj county, 5 lots, according to the award documentation Includes the activities in Annex 1, the county roads for each lot can be found in Annex 2. Mimimous and maximum quantities for framework agreement and subsequent contract can be found in Annex 3 and Annex 4 Estimated value lei without VAT for each lot on (maximum quantities and minimum estimated quantities framework agreement, respectively subsequent contract): Lot 1 (Zone 1) Frame agreement Value Maximum quantities estimated = 65.519.164.08 lei without VAT, Lot 1 (Zone 1) Frame agreement Value minimum quantities estimated = 16,379,791.02 lei without VAT, Lot 1 (Zone 1) Subsequent contract Value Maximum quantities estimated = 8.306.443.62 lei without VAT, Lot 1 (Zone 1) Subsequent contract value minimum quantities estimated = 2,240.233.49 lei without VAT. br Lot 2 (Zo ... Romania Contract value : 341,095,055.42 RON Contractors : ZADILOC SRL, CLARO BUILD S.R.L., REPAIR AND WORKS ENTERPRISE OF CLUJ 07/09/2022 17/09/2022 01/01/1900 78627662 17/09/2022 CLUJ COUNTY (COUNTY COUNCIL) Address : Address : nr. 106 Town : Cluj-Napoca NUTS-Code : RO113 - Cluj Postal Code : 400094 Contact Point : Consilier Adina Tiuca Phone : +40 372640060 Fax : +40 372640074 Romania Romania Contract Awards Romania 07/09/2022 01/01/1900 341,095,055.42 RON
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Contract Value
341,095,055.42 RON
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