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Provide Archaeological Consultancy Services (Stage (I)I Geophysical Survey) for the N2 Ardee-Castleblayney Road Scheme to Inform the Design and Environmental Evaluation of the Project. Ireland

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Contract Award's Details : Provide Archaeological Consultancy Services (Stage (I)I Geophysical Survey) for the N2 Ardee-Castleblayney Road Scheme to Inform the Design and Environmental Evaluation of the Project. MONAGHAN COUNTY COUNCIL Provide Archaeological Consultancy Services (Stage (I)I Geophysical Survey) for the N2 Ardee-Castleblayney Road Scheme to Inform the Design and Environmental Evaluation of the Project. Document Type : Contract award notice Title : Provide archaeological consultancy services (Stage (i)i Geophysical Survey) for the N2 Ardee-Castleblayney Road Scheme to inform the design and environmental evaluation of the project. Contract No. : 1 Reference Number : RFT 219795 - RD2022/54 Contract Type : Services Estimated Value : 222789.50 - EUR Description : Provide archaeological consultancy services (Stage (i)i Geophysical Survey) for the N2 Ardee-Castleblayney Road Scheme to inform the design and environmental evaluation of the project. The Stage (i)i Geophysical Survey will consist of 24 No. survey locations, covering a total survey area of 165.40 hectares. Of the 24 No. survey locations, detailed magnetometry and EMI apparent electrical resistivity (or earth resistance) is required at 2 No. survey locations (Area of 13.79 hectares) Whilst, detailed magnetometry and EMI Surveys apparent electrical resistivity (or earth resistance) and EMI apparent magnetic susceptibility is required at the remaining 22 No. survey locations (Area of 151.61 hectares). 71351720 - Geophysical surveys of archaeological sites 71351914 - Archaeological services Authority Type : Regional or local authority Type of Procedure : Open procedure Regulation : European Union, with participation by GPA countries Bid Type : Not applicable Doc Title : Geophysical surveys of archaeological sites Dispatch Date : 2022-11-07 Publish Date : 202... Ireland Contract value : 222,789.50 EUR Contractors : SHANARC ARCHAEOLOGY LIMITED 25/10/2022 16/11/2022 01/01/1900 78748938 16/11/2022 MONAGHAN COUNTY COUNCIL Address : Monaghan County Council , The Glen , Monaghan , Co Monaghan , Ireland Ireland Ireland Contract Awards Ireland 25/10/2022 01/01/1900 222,789.50 EUR
Specialized Freight (except Used Goods) Trucking Regulation Regulation General Freight Trucking
Construction work for pipelines, communication and power lines, for highways, roads, airfields and ra... Construction, foundation and surface works for highways, roads Lavatory seats, covers, bowls and cisterns Foundation work for highways, roads, streets and footpaths Construction work for highways, roads Surveying, hydrographic, oceanographic and hydrological instruments and appliances Other services Electrical, electromagnetic and mechanical treatment Designs Geophysical surveys of archaeological sites Dates
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Contract Value
222,789.50 EUR
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