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Trunk A10 Savona-ventimiglia (french Border). Collection, Transportation and Disposal Service Special Waste at Landfill and Recreational Bodies Rental. Cig: 88995236b4. Italy

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Contract Award's Details : Trunk A10 Savona-ventimiglia (french Border). Collection, Transportation and Disposal Service Special Waste at Landfill and Recreational Bodies Rental. Cig: 88995236b4. HIGHWAY DEI FIORI S.P.A. Design Competition in Two Degrees for the Realization of the Purifying Platform of the Municipality of Catanzaro Document Type: Results of Design Contests Title: Design competition in two degrees for the realization of the purifying platform of the municipality of Catanzaro Reference Number: 7909471 Contract Type: Services Description: Design competition to two degrees, pursuant to the former art. 154, paragraph 4 of Legislative Decree 50/2016 and SS.MM.II. (hereinafter referred to as a code), for the acquisition, after the fulfillment of the second degree, of a project with a level of in-depth equal to that of a project of technical and economic feasibility, for the realization of the purifying platform of the Municipality of Catanzaro »With the consequent identification of the winning person to which, subject to retrieval of the necessary economic resources, entrusted, with a negotiated procedure without announcement pursuant to art. 63, paragraph 4 of the Code, the next phase of the definitive design and possible executive planning, if the Administration measured the opportunity not to resort to the integrated contract as regulated by Legislative Decree 18.4.2019, n. 32 (C.D. unlock yards) and art. 8, paragraph 7 d.lgs. N. 76 of 2020. 71230000 - Organization of Architectural Design Contests ... Italy Contract value : 303,700.00 EUR Contractors : RIVIERA RECUPERI SRL 04/03/2022 21/03/2022 01/01/1900 78202915 21/03/2022 MUNICIPALITY OF CATANZARO Address : Address: 2008 Town: Catanzaro Nuts-code: itF63 - Catanzaro Postal Code: 88100 Contact Point: Arch. Maria Giuseppina Pointund Phone: +39 0961881215 Italy Italy Contract Awards Italy 14/06/2021 01/01/1900 See in details
Arts Navigational Highway Architectural Highway Executive Measuring Navigational Executive Highway Construction
Collection, transport and disposal of hospital waste Construction work for pipelines, communication and power lines, for highways, roads, airfields and ra... Architectural, engineering and planning services Architectural, engineering and surveying services Trunks Recreational, cultural and sporting services Other services Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services Administration, defence and social security services Postal orders Designs Works of art
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