Contract Details

Scale Summer School 2017 United Kingdom

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Contract Award's Details : Scale Summer School 2017 Highlands and Islands Enterprise An Lòchran, 10 Inverness Campus Inverness IV2 5NA UK Telephone: +44 1463245245 E-mail: NUTS: UKM6 Internet address(es) Scale Summer School 2017 03 Contract Award Notice or call off from a framework (below OJEU threshold): The Scotland Can Do SCALE (SCALE) programme is an inclusive, high growth entrepreneurial education initiative led by three government agencies, Highlands and Islands Enterprise, Scottish Enterprise and the Scottish Funding Council (the Partners) with strong backing from the Scottish Government. Drawing on world leading educators and specialists, it is a highly ambitious and innovative programme which will place Scotland as a leader in innovation driven entrepreneurship.On behalf of the Partners, HIE requires a suitably qualified and experienced supplier to deliver a residential Scotland Can Do SCALE Summer School, whilst offering best value in the expenditure of public funds.There are two parts to the residential Summer School which will be held in central Scotland. Recruitment to both parts of the Summer School will be managed by the SCALE Partners through a pan-Scotland selection process. Number of tenders received: Number of tenders received from SMEs: 2 Number of tenders received from tenderers from other EU Member States: 0 Number of tenders received from tenderers from non-EU Member States: 0 Number of tenders received by electronic means: 2 The contract has been awarded to a group of economic operators: No V.2.3) Name and address of the contractor Speakeasy Productions Wildwood House, Stanley Perth PH1 4PX UK Telephone: +44 1738828524 NUTS: UKM27 The contractor is an SME: Yes V.2.4) Information on value of the contract/lot (excluding VAT) Total value of the contract/lot: 130 000.00& ;GBP V.2.5) Information about subcontracting Section VI: Complementary information VI.3) Additional information Award against framework: Two bids were received in response to the original tender opportunity but neither was able to meet all of the minimum requirements. As a result, HIE invited both to take part in further negotiation to meet these requirements before concluding the award process. (SC Ref:497129) VI.4) Procedures for review VI.4.1) Review body Highlands and Islands Enterprise An Lòchran, 10 Inverness Campus Inverness IV2 5NA UK Telephone: +44 1463245245 Internet address(es) URL: VI.5) Date of dispatch of this notice 24/05/2017 Information added to the notice since publication. Additional information added to the notice since it~s publication. No further information has been uploaded. United Kingdom Contract value : See in details Contractors : SPEAKEASY PRODUCTIONS See in details 30/05/2017 24/08/2017 8701684 30/05/2017 Highlands and Islands Enterprise An Lòchran, 10 Inverness Campus Inverness IV2 5NA UK Telephone: +44 1463245245 E-mail: NUTS: UKM6 Internet address(es) Address : United Kingdom United Kingdom Contract Awards United Kingdom (SC Ref:497129) See in details 24/08/2017 See in details
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