Contract Details

Mixed Contracting of the Maintenance Service of the 'collective Antenna of the Houses of the Onyar, As Well As the Supply of Maintenance Spare Parts. Spain

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Contract Award's Details : Mixed Contracting of the Maintenance Service of the 'collective Antenna of the Houses of the Onyar, As Well As the Supply of Maintenance Spare Parts. CITY COUNCIL OF GIRONA Mixed Contracting of the Maintenance Service of the 'collective Antenna of the Houses of the Onyar, As Well As the Supply of Maintenance Spare Parts. Mixed contracting of the maintenance service of the 'collective antenna of the houses of the Onyar, as well as the supply of maintenance spare parts. Description of the provision: The 'object of the contract is, on the one hand, the provision of the maintenance service of the reception, treatment and distribution of television signals for a sector of neighbors in the old quarter , and for the other, the supply of spare parts to carry out this maintenance. The maintenance includes an annual review of the entire installation (preventive maintenance) and the service of 'assistance and repair (corrective maintenance) of the warnings that may arise due to malfunction of the installation. Lot description: estimated value of the contract: € 33,000.00 without VAT Data of the Assistant Company: Denomination: Antennas Gerunda, SL Nationality: Spain Amount: € 36,300.00 with VAT amount without VIU VAT: € 30,000.00 Date of contract award: 09/06/22 Spain Contract value : 33,000.00 EUR Contractors : ANTENNAS GERUNDA SL 09/06/2022 15/06/2022 09/06/2026 78387053 15/06/2022 CITY COUNCIL OF GIRONA Address : Address : 1 Town : Gerona NUTS-Code : ES512 - Girona Postal Code : 17004 Contact Point : Servicio de Contratación y Compras Phone : +34 972419021 Fax : +34 972419495 Spain Spain Contract Awards Spain 09/06/2022 09/06/2026 33,000.00 EUR
Repair, maintenance and associated services related to aircraft and other equipment Repair, maintenance and associated services related to marine and other equipment Repair, maintenance and associated services related to aircraft, railways, roads and marine equipment Installation services of radio, television, sound and video equipment Vats Repair, maintenance and associated services related to roads and other equipment Televisions Other services Repair, maintenance and associated services of vehicles and related equipment Repair, maintenance and associated services related to personal computers, office equipment, telecomm... Radio, television, communication, telecommunication and related equipment Postal orders Repair, maintenance and associated services related to railways and other equipment Dates
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Contract Value
33,000.00 EUR
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