Contract Details

Communication Service of the Sitges Heritage Consortium that Must Allow the Dissemination of the Historical, Artistic and Cultural Heritage of Sitges and the Knowledge of Art in General. Spain

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Contract Award's Details : Communication Service of the Sitges Heritage Consortium that Must Allow the Dissemination of the Historical, Artistic and Cultural Heritage of Sitges and the Knowledge of Art in General. SITGES HERITAGE CONSORTIUM Works of Partial Deconstruction of the Main Nave and the Auxiliary Cutlery, at Ferro Street No. 2-4 Affected Within the Area of Sector 8 of Pau 2 of the Mpgm of the Marina Del Prat Vermell, of the Zoo ... Works of partial deconstruction of the main nave and the auxiliary cutlery, at Ferro Street no. 2-4 affected within the area of sector 8 of Pau 2 of the MPGM of the Marina del Prat Vermell, of the Zona Franca of Barcelona. Sants Montjuïc District Description of the provision: works of partial deconstruction of the main nave and the auxiliary cutlery, in the Iron Street no. 2-4 affected within the area of sector 8 of Pau 2 of the MPGM of the Marina del Prat Vermell, of the Zona Franca of Barcelona. Sants Montjuïc District Lot description: estimated value of the contract: 325,603.31 € without VAT Data of the adjudicating company: denomination: Deltapunt 3000, Sa Nacionality: Spain Amount: 298,183.15 € with VAT amount without VIU: 246,432.35 € Date of contract award: 28/07/22 Spain Contract value : 141,900.00 EUR Contractors : INDEPENDENT DOC SL See in details 04/02/2021 28/01/2023 78596954 07/09/2022 MUNICIPAL INSTITUTE OF 'URBANISM OF BARCELONA (EPEL) Address : Spain Spain Spain Contract Awards Spain 28/07/2022 28/01/2023 325,603.31 EUR
Arts Marinas Highway Highway Highway Metal Kitchen Cookware
Cutlery Iron, lead, zinc, tin and copper Mains Iron Engineering, auxiliary, average, loss, actuarial and salvage insurance services Vats Other services Radio, television, communication, telecommunication and related equipment Dates Works of art
Europe Southern Europe Western Europe
Civil Works Automobiles and Auto Parts Supply Defence and Security Electricity Construction Energy-Power and Electrical Computer Hardwares and Consumables Aviation Marine
Contract Value
325,603.31 EUR
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