Contract Details

Elaboration of Technical - Economic Documentation and Specialized Studies for the Project ceiga - Giurgiu Leisure Center, Smis Code 143370 Romania

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Contract Award's Details : Elaboration of Technical - Economic Documentation and Specialized Studies for the Project ceiga - Giurgiu Leisure Center, Smis Code 143370 GIURGIU MUNICIPALITY Elaboration of Technical - Economic Documentation and Specialized Studies for the Project ceiga - Giurgiu Leisure Center, Smis Code 143370 Document Type: ARWARD NOTICE AGREEMENT Titles: Elaboration of technical - economic documentation and specialized studies for the project Ceiga - Giurgiu Leisure Center, SMIS code 143370 Contract No.: 1648 Reference Number: 14 Type Contract: Services Estimated Value: 495300 - Ron Descript: The contracting authority implements the project link -Giurgiu Leisure Center, SMIS code 143370 within Support at the South Muntenia region for the preparation of projects financed from the programming period 2021 -2027 on the fields of urban mobility, urban regeneration, infrastructure and services Tourism public including heritage objectives with tourist potential and road infrastructure of county interest, including bypassing variants and/or connecting roads - 5D2 ”funded by the POAT program. br In this regard, the contracting authority wants to contract services regarding the elaboration of the technical - economic documentation and specialized studies, in relation to the specificity of the investment objective for which the services will be provided according to the mentioned CPV code, which will have the technical capacity to help the implementation of this. . Romania Contract value : 495,300.00 RON Contractors : NOX INTERNATIONAL, INGVISION 10/01/2023 19/01/2023 01/01/1900 78988437 19/01/2023 GIURGIU MUNICIPALITY Address : Address: no. 49-51 Town: Giurgiu Nuts -Code: RO314 - Giurgiu Postal Code: 080044 Contact Point: Ianca Meca Phone: +40 0246213588 Fax: +40 0246213747 Romania Romania Contract Awards Romania 10/01/2023 01/01/1900 495,300.00 RON
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Contract Value
495,300.00 RON
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