Contract Details

Provision of Consumption Services Television Systems Waterization of Municipalities of Rodes and Petalles Greece

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Contract Award's Details : Provision of Consumption Services Television Systems Waterization of Municipalities of Rodes and Petalles MUNICIPAL BUSINESS OF DIMENSION NUMBER OF DIMOS RODOU Provision of Consumption Services Television Systems Waterization of Municipalities of Rodes and Petalles Document Type: Contract AWARD NOTICE TITLE: PROVIDER OF MAINTENANCE SERVICE SYSTEMS WATER SYSTEMS OF DIFFERENCE OF RODES AND PETALLOUDON DISTRIBUTIONS CONTRACT NO. : 1 Reference Number: TD0121 CONTRACT TYPE: SERVICES ESTIMATED VALUE: 476716.20 - EUR Description: The purpose of this service is the regular, preventive and emergency repair of the telemelecal remote control system for the water supply networks of the municipal units of Rhodes and Petaloudia, consisting of local control stations and central control station according to the Annex Technical data of this study. The estimated value of the contract with the option amounts to € 498.678,00 Protection (24%) The budget is analyzed to 332,452,00 € VAT for a period of two years and with an options for a further 1 year. 50410000 - Repair and Maintenance Services of Measuring, Testing and Checking Apparatus 38570000 - Regulating and Controlling Instruments and Apparatus Authority Type: Utilities Entity Type of Procedure: Open Procedure Regulature: European Union, with Participation by ... Greece Contract value : 476,716.20 EUR Contractors : ADRT SA ANONYMOS TECHNICAL CONSTRUCTION COMMERCIAL AND INFORMATION COMPANY 07/12/2021 18/12/2021 01/01/1900 77938726 18/12/2021 MUNICIPAL BUSINESS OF DIMENSION NUMBER OF DIMOS RODOU Address : ADDRESS: 2nd Km. National Road Rhodes-Lindos Town: Rhodes NUTS-CODE: EL421 - Kalymnos, Karpathos - Heroic Island Kasos, Kos, Rhodes / Kalymnos, Karpathos, Kasos, Kos, Rodos Postal Code: 85100 CONTACT POINT: PAPAMACHAIL KYRIAKOU Phone: +30 2241045355 Greece Greece Contract Awards Greece 07/12/2021 01/01/1900 476,716.20 EUR
Power Business Navigational Specialized Freight (except Used Goods) Trucking Electric Power Transmission Regulation and Administration of Communications Automatic Environmental Control Manufacturing for Residential Construction Scenic and Sightseeing Transportation Commercial Regulation and Administration of Communications Measuring Agriculture Navigational General Freight Trucking Water Construction
Repair, maintenance and associated services related to aircraft and other equipment Construction work for pipelines, communication and power lines, for highways, roads, airfields and ra... System, storage and content management software package Networks Networking, Internet and intranet software development services Control, safety, signalling and light equipment Construction, foundation and surface works for highways, roads Control, safety or signalling equipment for inland waterways Repair, maintenance and associated services related to marine and other equipment Repair, maintenance and associated services related to aircraft, railways, roads and marine equipment Wells construction work Control, safety or signalling equipment for parking facilities Construction work Command, control, communication systems Foundation work for highways, roads, streets and footpaths Construction work for highways, roads Control, safety or signalling equipment for port installations Command, control, communication and computer systems Installation services of radio, television, sound and video equipment System, storage and content management software development services Networking, Internet and intranet software package Vats Repair, maintenance and associated services related to roads and other equipment Televisions Pressure-reducing, control, check or safety valves Other services Control, safety or signalling equipment for roads Goods used in construction Repair, maintenance and associated services of vehicles and related equipment Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services Repair, maintenance and associated services related to personal computers, office equipment, telecomm... Radio, television, communication, telecommunication and related equipment Postal orders Repair, maintenance and associated services related to railways and other equipment Control, safety or signalling equipment for airports Regulating and controlling instruments and apparatus
Awards Water Televisions Business cases Utilities Distribution Case making services IP phones Water, sanitation and hygiene kits Water, sanitation and hygiene kit Water, sanitation and hygiene kits Airport Maps, Networks (GIS), Studies
Europe Southern Europe Western Europe
Automobiles and Auto Parts Non-Renewable Energy Supply Postal and Courier Services Roads and Highways-Bridge Water and Sanitation Printing and Publishing Services Defence and Security Construction Agriculture-Food and Beverages Energy-Power and Electrical Computer Hardwares and Consumables Steel Marine
Contract Value
476,716.20 EUR
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