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Public Acquisition Contract for the Execution of the Works Within the Investment Objective north - East Region - Strategic Road Axis 1: Ia?i -suceava, Smis Code 110622 - Lot 3: Modernization of Dj ... Romania

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Contract Award's Details : Public Acquisition Contract for the Execution of the Works Within the Investment Objective north - East Region - Strategic Road Axis 1: Ia?i -suceava, Smis Code 110622 - Lot 3: Modernization of Dj ... IASI DISTRICT Public Acquisition Contract for the Execution of the Works Within the Investment Objective north - East Region - Strategic Road Axis 1: Ia?i -suceava, Smis Code 110622 - Lot 3: Modernization of Dj ... Document Type: ARWARD NOTICE AGREEMENT Titles: public procurement contract for the execution of the works within the investment objective North - East Region - Strategic Road Axis 1: Ia?i -Suceava, SMIS code 110622 - Lot 3: Modernization of DJ 281 from Belce?ti - Cepleni?a - DN 28B and Modernization of DJ 281 from DN 28B - Scobin?i - Lespezi in length of 40,610 km Contract No.: 28985 Reference Number: 0 Type Contract: Works Estimated Value: 91776997.59 - Ron Description: Public procurement contract for the execution of the works within the investment objective North - East Region - Strategic Road Axis 1: Ia?i -Suceava, SMIS code 110622 - Lot 3: Modernization of DJ 281 from Belce?ti - Cepleni?a - DN 28B and Modernization of DJ 281 from DN 28B - Scobin?i - Lespezi in length of 40,610 km. br The estimated value is 96,093,476.04 lei exclusively VAT, composed of: I. Construction work: 94,578,625.00 lei excluding VAT; br II. Site organization: 1,390.132.34 lei excluding VAT. br III.Cheluieli related to site organization- 124,718.70 lei without VAT The value of the various and unforeseen expenses within the project budget is 658 .... Romania Contract value : 91,776,997.59 RON Contractors : DAROCONSTRUCT, RUTADOR 14/07/2022 23/07/2022 01/01/1900 78487000 23/07/2022 IASI DISTRICT Address : BLD. Stefan cel Mare and Holy, no. 69 <B> Locality: - Iasi <b> Country: - Romania <b> Phone: - +40 0232235100 <b> Fax: - +40 0232214425/210/336 <B> Internet address (URL): - <b> Buyer profile: - <b> E-mail: - <b> Fiscal Code: - 4540712 <b> Postal Code: - 700075 Romania Romania Contract Awards Romania 14/07/2022 01/01/1900 91,776,997.59 RON
Justice Justice Construction Other Justice Agriculture Other Justice Construction
Profiles Construction work for pipelines, communication and power lines, for highways, roads, airfields and ra... Construction, foundation and surface works for highways, roads Wells construction work Axes Construction work Foundation work for highways, roads, streets and footpaths Construction work for highways, roads Vats Goods used in construction Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services Postal orders
Eastern Europe Europe
Civil Works Building Automobiles and Auto Parts Supply Postal and Courier Services Roads and Highways-Bridge Law and Legal Printing and Publishing Railways-Rail-Railroad Electricity Construction Energy-Power and Electrical Computer Hardwares and Consumables Steel Aviation Building Material
Contract Value
91,776,997.59 RON
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