Contract Details

“determination of a Contractor for Construction, Major Repairs, Rehabilitation and Ongoing Maintenance of the Streets, Municipal Roads and Their Facilities on the Territory of Burgas Municipality in 5 Lots. Bulgaria

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Contract Award's Details : “determination of a Contractor for Construction, Major Repairs, Rehabilitation and Ongoing Maintenance of the Streets, Municipal Roads and Their Facilities on the Territory of Burgas Municipality in 5 Lots. BURGAS MUNICIPALITY implementation of Construction Supervision for Emergency Sites in Berkovitsa Municipality Document Type: Contract Award Notice Title: Execution of construction supervision for emergency sites in Berkovitsa Municipality Contract No. : 108373 Reference Number: 2023/S 175-549006 Contract Type: Services ESTIMATED VALUE: 298500.00 - Bgn Description: The following specific activities are provided in the subject of the order: Activity No. 1 - construction supervision during the implementation of the site, from the preparation/opening of the construction site to the acceptance and commissioning, in accordance with the requirements of the Spatial Planning Act, and guaranteeing the application of the Bulgarian regulatory requirements; Activity No. 2 - fulfilling the function of the safety and health coordinator, in accordance with Ordinance No. 2 of 22.03.2004 on the minimum requirements for health and safe working conditions in the implementation of construction and assembly works; Activity No. 3 - preparation of a technical passport according to Art. 176a of the Spatial Planning Act and Ordinance No. 5/28.12.2006 Important: All detailed instructions for the scope of this order (types and quantities of awarded activities), as well as the requirements for the implementation are specified in the present invitation and the annexes thereto. 71521000 - Cons ... Bulgaria Contract value : 15,000,000.00 BGN Contractors : PATSTROY VDH EAD 05/09/2023 13/09/2023 01/01/1900 79863988 13/09/2023 BERKOVITSA MUNICIPALITY Address : Address: Pl. Yordan Radichkov No. 4 Town: Berkovitsa NUTS-CODE: BG312 - Montana / Montana Postal Code: 3500 Contact Point: Maria Ignatova Vinova Phone: +359 95389129 FAX: +359 95388405 Bulgaria Bulgaria Contract Awards Bulgaria 07/08/2023 01/01/1900 298,500.00 BGN
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Contract Value
298,500.00 BGN
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