Contract Details

Park Development - Maintenance and Construction of Green Areas, Pruning and Felling of Trees, on the Territory of the Municipality of Varna for 2020 by Separate Items Bulgaria

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Contract Award's Details : Park Development - Maintenance and Construction of Green Areas, Pruning and Felling of Trees, on the Territory of the Municipality of Varna for 2020 by Separate Items MUNICIPALITY OF VARNA Supply of Low Voltage Net Electricity and Selection of a Coordinator of a Balancing Group for the Needs of Targovishte Municipality Document Type: Contract award notice Title: Supply of low voltage net electricity and selection of a coordinator of a balancing group for the needs of Targovishte municipality Contract No. : ?-??-49 Reference Number: 2020 / S 232-570540 Contract Type: Supplies Estimated Value: 748510 - BGN Description: The subject of the procurement includes supply of net active low voltage electricity for the needs of Targovishte municipality, provision of consumption forecasting service, as well as preparation of schedules by the coordinator of the balancing group, their submission, adjustment if necessary of the submitted schedules , responsibility for balancing and all activities related to participation in the free electricity market of the contracting authority. The subject of the procurement also includes administration of the amounts for the normatively determined fees, network services and excise. The same will be paid by the contracting authority to the contractor. In connection with the above, a contract for combined services within the meaning of Art. 11, item 10 and under the conditions of art. 20 of the Rules for Trade in Electricity (PTEE). 09310000 - Electricity Authority Type: Regional ... Bulgaria Contract value : 78,496.51 BGN Contractors : KALEA TRADE EOOD 02/12/2020 21/12/2020 See in details 76945086 14/12/2020 TARGOVISHTE MUNICIPALITY Address : Address: Pl. Freedom Town: Targovishte NUTS-Code: BG411 - Sofia (capital) Postal Code: 7700 Contact Point: Yanka Petrova Nikolova Phone: +359 60168751 Bulgaria Bulgaria Contract Awards Bulgaria 10/11/2020 See in details 748,510.00 BGN
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Contract Value
748,510.00 BGN
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