Contract Details

Framework Agreement on Public Acquisition of Lot 1 - Canned Vegetables and Fruits and Lot 2 - Miscellaneous Types of Payment and Carbonated Water Romania

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Contract Award's Details : Framework Agreement on Public Acquisition of Lot 1 - Canned Vegetables and Fruits and Lot 2 - Miscellaneous Types of Payment and Carbonated Water GENERAL DIRECTORATE FOR SOCIAL ASSISTANCE AND CHILD PROTECTION VASLUI Framework Agreement on Public Acquisition of Lot 1 - Canned Vegetables and Fruits and Lot 2 - Miscellaneous Types of Payment and Carbonated Water Document Type: Contract Award Notice Title: Framework Agreement on Public Acquisition of Lot 1 - Canned Vegetables and Fruits and Lot 2 - Miscellaneous Types of Payment and Carbonated Water Contract No.: 2013 Reference Number: 1344 / 24.06.2021 Contract Type: Supplies Estimated Value: 1083745.80 - RON Description: Framework Agreement on Public Acquisition of Lot 1 - Canned Vegetables and Fruits and Lot 2 - Various Types of Payment and Carbonated Water for d.g.a.p.c. Vaslui. Under the framework agreement, 4 subsequent supply contracts will be made. Delivery will be made in the subordinated centers d.g.s.p.c. Vaslui. The forecasted period for the framework agreement is approximately 18 months, from 01.09.2021 - 28.02.2023. Economic operators will be able to request additional clarifications / information 10 days before the deposition limit date. The Contracting Authority will respond to clarification requests before the deadline for submission of offers / candidates in the 4th day. The value of the largest subsequent contract is 641,983,92 lei without VAT for lot no. 1 and 219,568,80 lei without VAT for lot no. 2. <BR ... Romania Contract value : 1,083,745.80 RON Contractors : LIACRIS S.R.L. 16/09/2021 18/10/2021 01/01/1900 77725019 18/10/2021 GENERAL DIRECTORATE FOR SOCIAL ASSISTANCE AND CHILD PROTECTION VASLUI Address : Address: Street: National Soseaua Vaslui - Iasi, nr. 1 Town: Vaslui NUTS-CODE: RO216 - Vaslui Postal Code: 730019 Contact Point: Alina Maricica Petcuta Phone: +40 235315138 Fax: +40 235315346 Romania Romania Contract Awards Romania 16/09/2021 01/01/1900 1,083,745.80 RON
Justice Justice Highway Scenic and Sightseeing Transportation Other Justice Highway Highway Other Justice Water
Fruit, nuts or fruit peel preserved by sugar Vegetables Vats Cereals, potatoes, vegetables, fruits and nuts Fruit, vegetables and related products Cans Vegetables, fruits and nuts Postal orders Dates Canned goods
Eastern Europe Europe
Automobiles and Auto Parts Supply Postal and Courier Services Oil and Gas Water and Sanitation Law and Legal Electricity Construction Energy-Power and Electrical Computer Hardwares and Consumables Steel Aviation Marine
Contract Value
1,083,745.80 RON
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