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Fuels for Charging Cars Property of Alfatar Municipality. Bulgaria

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Contract Award's Details : Fuels for Charging Cars Property of Alfatar Municipality. ALFATAR MUNICIPALITY Supply of Apparatus and Equipment for the Hygiene of the Medical University prof. Dr. P. Stoyanov - Varna 3 Lot Available DOCUMENT TYPE: CONTRACT AWARD NOTICE TITLE: Supply of apparatus and equipment for the Department of Hygiene at Prof. Dr. P. Stoyanov - Varna 3 lots of positions CONTRACT No. : 22810 REFERENCE NUMBER: 2021-048 CONTRACT TYPE: Supplies ESTIMATED VALUE: 6650.00 - BGN Description: The subject of the public procurement is a choice of contractor to deliver the delivery of equipment and equipment for the needs of the MU-Varna described in Tech. Specification (IP No. 1) to the documentation. OP 1 - Professional envelemometer (caliper); OP 2 - Measuring apparatus; OP 3 - Body composition analysis apparatus. Award contract will be concluded for each of the items individually. The equipment / equipment offered must be identical or better than the minimum requirements of the Contracting Authority specified in the Technical Specification (Annex 1). The order shall include the supply of goods pre-claimed by the Contracting Authority specified by type (commercial nomenclature), technical data, kit and quantities, as well as commissioning and work training for parts 2 and 3. The Assignor ... Bulgaria Contract value : 250,500.00 BGN Contractors : PETROL AD 03/12/2021 17/12/2021 01/01/1900 77934694 17/12/2021 MEDICAL UNIVERSITY-VARNA PROF. DR. PARASKEV IV.STANOV Address : ADDRESS: Ul. Marin Drinov No.55 TOWN: VARNA NUTS-CODE: BG411 - Sofia (capital) / Sofia (Stolitsa) Postal Code: 9002 Contact Point: Svetlana Lyubcheva Stoycheva Phone: +359 52677091 FAX: +359 52643116 Bulgaria Bulgaria Contract Awards Bulgaria 26/11/2021 01/01/1900 6,650.00 BGN
Business All Other Professional Navigational Professional Justice Religious Justice Automatic Environmental Control Manufacturing for Residential Other Professional Other Justice Machinery Medical Commercial Colleges Colleges Measuring Navigational Colleges Other Similar Organizations (except Business All Other Professional Other Justice Other Similar Organizations (except Business Professional Medical
Petrol Petroleum products, fuel, electricity and other sources of energy Training, workout or aerobic services Fuels Feasibility study, advisory service, analysis Electrical machinery, apparatus, equipment and consumables; lighting Postal orders Parts of fuel, hand and concrete pumps
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Automobiles and Auto Parts Non-Renewable Energy Supply Postal and Courier Services Roads and Highways-Bridge Water and Sanitation Education and Training Defence and Security Construction Agriculture-Food and Beverages Energy-Power and Electrical Computer Hardwares and Consumables Steel Aviation Marine
Contract Value
6,650.00 BGN
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