Contract Details

“purchase of Donor Diagnostic Equipment and Equipment and Production of Reconclassic Plasma in Implementation of Project Bg16rfop001-9.001-0001 Bulgaria

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Contract Award's Details : “purchase of Donor Diagnostic Equipment and Equipment and Production of Reconclassic Plasma in Implementation of Project Bg16rfop001-9.001-0001 MINISTRY OF HEALTH Fuel Delivery for Heating Document Type: Contract Award Notice Title: Fuel delivery for heating Contract No. : 88183 Reference Number: 2023/S 081-243898 Contract Type: Supplies ESTIMATED VALUE: 419400.00 - Bgn Description: Delivery of fuel for heating / gas oil for PCC / for the needs of Sofia University Hristo Botev for a period of 5 years. Delivery will be made within 3 days, with transportation provided by the contractor, upon request. The payment period is ten days after delivery and an invoice issued. The fuel must meet the requirements of the Bulgarian legislation on the quality of liquid fuels. The price for each delivery will be formed on the basis of the price of reference traders up to date on the date of delivery with delivery allowance. The quantity for a period of 5d. is 150 thousand liters. 09000000 - Petroleum Products, Fuel, Electricity and Other Sources of Energy Authority Type: Regional Or Local Authority Type of Procedure: Negotated without a prior Call for Competition Regulation: EUROPEAN UNION Bid Type: Not Applicable Doc Title: Petroleum Products, Fuel, Electricity and Other Sources of Energy Dispatch Date: 2023-04-20 Publish da ... Bulgaria Contract value : 990,520.00 BGN Contractors : BULMAR ML LTD. 13/04/2023 26/04/2023 01/01/1900 79256678 27/04/2023 HRISTO BOTEV HIGH SCHOOL Address : Address: Ul. Stracin 1 Town: Kubrat NUTS-Code: BG411 - Sofia (capital) Postal Code: 7300 Contact Point: Rositsa Hristova Phone: +359 8487-2446 Fax: +359 8487-2446 Bulgaria Bulgaria Contract Awards Bulgaria 06/10/2022 01/01/1900 419,400.00 BGN
Other Direct Insurance (except Life Specialized Freight (except Used Goods) Trucking Regulation Ventilation Regulation and Administration of Communications Plumbing Machinery Regulation Direct Insurance (except Life Colleges Regulation and Administration of Communications Direct Life Colleges Plumbing Colleges General Freight Trucking Ventilation Construction
Petroleum, coal and oil products Petroleum products, fuel, electricity and other sources of energy Gases Oil, petrol and air-intake filters Fuels Heating works Electricity, heating, solar and nuclear energy Forms Electricity Postal orders Heating, ventilation and air-conditioning installation work Parts of fuel, hand and concrete pumps Dates
Eastern Europe Europe
Environment and Pollution-Recycling Automobiles and Auto Parts Non-Renewable Energy Supply Energy Postal and Courier Services Oil and Gas Infrastructure Transportation Defence and Security Electricity Construction Agriculture-Food and Beverages Energy-Power and Electrical Sports and Leisure Computer Hardwares and Consumables Steel Petroleum Products Marine
Contract Value
419,400.00 BGN
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