Contract Details

Delivery and Installation of a Number. and Equipment. to Improve the Image. Environment at St. Kliment Ohridski Primary School in the Town Bulgaria

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Contract Award's Details : Delivery and Installation of a Number. and Equipment. to Improve the Image. Environment at St. Kliment Ohridski Primary School in the Town KARDZHALI MUNICIPALITY Disinsection, Disinfection, Deaecarization and Deratization in Montana Municipality for a Period of Three Years Document Type: Contract Award Notice Title: Disinsection, Disinfection, Decacarization and Detraization in Montana Municipality for a period of three years Contract No. : 77681 Reference Number: 2023/S 022-061840 Contract Type: Services Estimated Value: 400000.00 - Bgn Description: I. Monthly treatments and monitoring of: 1. administrative building and bar of Montana Municipality; 2. administrative buildings of 10 mayoralties and 13 mayoralty in Montana Municipality; 3. United Children's Complex, Channel M Radio Center, Local Revenue Department and Municipal Council on Narcotic Substances. II. Large -scale treatments: 1. processing against ticks (deaecarization) of lawns in Montana; 2. Processing against pathogenic microorganisms (disinfection) of 18 pcs. playgrounds in the town of Montana and 6 pcs. in the villages of the municipality; 3. processing against fleas (disinsection) of streets and yards and against ticks (deaecarization) on the lawns of Kosharnik quarter and Ogosta quarter in Montana; 4. Processing against flies (disinsection) of buckets and garbage containers and the sites around them in the town of Montana and its neighborhoods; 5. Processing against larvae and mosquitoes (disinsection) in the town of Montana and QU ... Bulgaria Contract value : 27,920.00 BGN Contractors : DOMINO LTD., SMART SOFT LTD. 30/12/2022 31/01/2023 01/01/1900 79026035 02/02/2023 MONTANA MUNICIPALITY Address : ADDRESS: Ul. Spring 1 Town: Montana NUTS-CODE: BG312 - Montana / Montana Postal Code: 3400 Contact Point: Deyan Georgiev Dimitrov Phone: +359 96394262 Bulgaria Bulgaria Contract Awards Bulgaria 23/01/2023 01/01/1900 400,000.00 BGN
Specialized Freight (except Used Goods) Trucking Highway Machinery Highway Highway Environment General Freight Trucking Process
Buckets, shovels, grabs and grips for cranes or excavators Other containers Lawn, park or sports-ground mowers Large containers Monitors Bars, rods, wire and profiles used in construction Buckets Other services Bars Ticking Radio, television, communication, telecommunication and related equipment Postal orders Springs
Eastern Europe Europe
Building Environment and Pollution-Recycling Automobiles and Auto Parts Supply Postal and Courier Services Roads and Highways-Bridge Law and Legal Printing and Publishing Services Construction Energy-Power and Electrical Computer Hardwares and Consumables Steel Building Material Marine
Contract Value
400,000.00 BGN
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