Contract Details

Brooms, Qty: 30 India

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Contract Award's Details : Brooms, Qty: 30 ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF INDIA (ASI) Brooms, Qty: 30 Product Name: BROOMS, Brand: NA, Model: BOQ Item, Quantity: 30, Price: 2685.000 Product Name: SOFT BROOMS, Brand: NA, Model: BOQ Item, Quantity: 5, Price: 585.000 Product Name: DUSTER, Brand: NA, Model: BOQ Item, Quantity: 5, Price: 240.000 Product Name: PLASTIC TORCD LED, Brand: NA, Model: BOQ Item, Quantity: 2, Price: 690.000 Product Name: TORCH BATTERIES CELL, Brand: NA, Model: BOQ Item, Quantity: 30, Price: 525.000 Product Name: BUCKET PLASTIC WITH LID, Brand: NA, Model: BOQ Item, Quantity: 1, Price: 347.000 Product Name: PLASTIC JUG, Brand: NA, Model: BOQ Item, Quantity: 2, Price: 352.000 Product Name: PLASTIC MUG, Brand: NA, Model: BOQ Item, Quantity: 2, Price: 56.000 Product Name: LED LAMPS 7 WATS, Brand: NA, Model: BOQ Item, Quantity: 2, Price: 634.000 Product Name: TUBE RODS, Brand: NA, Model: BOQ Item, Quantity: 4, Price: 192.000 Product Name: TOWEL LARGE, Brand: NA, Model: BOQ Item, Quantity: 1, Price: 322.000 Product Name: GLASS TUMBELS, Brand: NA, Model: BOQ Item, Quantity: 12, Price: 354.000 Product Name: UMBRELLA, Brand: NA, Model: BOQ Item, Quantity: 1, Price: 470.000 Product Name: RAIN COAT WITH TROUSER, Brand: NA, Model: BOQ Item, Quantity: 1, Price: 1470.000 Product Name: WOODEN LATHI, Brand: NA, Model: BOQ Item, Quantity: 2, Price: 540.000 Product Name: FIRE EXTINGUISHER 5KG REFFLING, Brand: NA, Model: BOQ Item, Quantity: 1, Price: 990.000 Organization Type: Central Government Buying Mode:... India Contract value : 10,452.00 INR Contractors : SANVI ASSOCIATTES 01/11/2023 15/11/2023 01/01/1900 80070598 15/11/2023 ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF INDIA (ASI) Address : Ministry Of Culture Meerut Circle Meerut Archaeological Survey Of India (asi) Rohit Kumar 250404, O/o CONSERVATION ASSISTANT, HASTINAPUR SUB- CIRCLE, ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF INDIA, NEAR DIGAMBAR JAIN MANDIR, HASTINAPUR, MAWANA,... India India Contract Awards India 01/11/2023 01/01/1900 10,452.00 INR
Copper Broom Copper
Buckets, shovels, grabs and grips for cranes or excavators Glass Iron, lead, zinc, tin and copper Towels Batteries Microscope eyepieces, condensers, collectors, tubes, stages and covers Coats Point rods Lead Brooms Umbrellas Torches Surveying, hydrographic, oceanographic and hydrological instruments and appliances Rods Construction work for buildings relating to leisure, sports, culture, lodging and restaurants Lids Dusters Bars, rods, wire and profiles used in construction Buckets Fire extinguishers Lamps
Dusters Rod Brooms Awards Towels Fire extinguishers Culture Umbrellas Financial Instruments, Products, Contracts and Agreements Bucket, Food proof plastic E-Passport, Id, E-Health Services, Surveys, Planning & Studies (Aviation)
Asia SAARC Countries South Asia
Automobiles and Auto Parts Supply Bridges and Tunnels Roads and Highways-Bridge Printing and Publishing Construction Energy-Power and Electrical Computer Hardwares and Consumables Marine
Contract Value
10,452.00 INR
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