Contract Details

- St Peters High School To Michinhampton United Kingdom

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Contract Award's Details : - St Peters High School To Michinhampton Gloucestershire County Council Department: Integrated Transport Unit Title:Mr T Pu Kapadia Email Address: T Pu.Kapadia@Gloucestershire.Gov.Uk Telephone Number: 01452 425334 Linlithgow Loch - Footpath Repairs 03 Contract Award Notice (below OJEU threshold) or call off from a framework (any value): This project is to repair a section of the path at Linlithgow Loch over approximately 162 metres. Linlithgow Loch is located next to Linlithgow Palace and has an adjacent public footpath constructed from concrete bags forming a retaining structure. It should be noted that the area of works is a Scheduled Ancient Monument and the Loch is a SSSI. There is no public vehicle access to the site but there is access to a nearby car park at Water Yett road. Access will need to be arranged through the local authority prior to works beginning. Number of tenders received: The contract has been awarded to a group of economic operators: Total value of the contract/lot: 93 623.68 GBP United Kingdom Contract value : 1,774.00 GBP Contractors : MHB TRANSPORT See in details 12/04/2018 23/05/2018 10581592 24/02/2018 Historic Environment Scotland Longmore House, Salisbury Place Edinburgh EH9 1SH UK Telephone: +44 1316688866 E-mail: Fax: +44 1316688877 NUTS: UKM78 Address : United Kingdom United Kingdom Contract Awards United Kingdom (SC Ref:532268) See in details 23/05/2018 See in details
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