Contract Details

Maintenance Dredging of the Large Size Link Between Goeulzin and Sequedin France

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Contract Award's Details : Maintenance Dredging of the Large Size Link Between Goeulzin and Sequedin FRENCH WAYS OF FRANCE Health, Prevention and Risks-acquisition and Maintenance of Mosquito Traps-fragment Agreement with Order Pleasures Type document: Contract Award Notice Title: health, prevention and risks-acquisition and maintenance of mosquito traps-framework agreement with purchase orders Contract no .: MN05/22 Reference Number: MN05/22 Type contract: Services ESTIMATED VALUE: 1666666.67 - EUR Description: The market includes: - mainly, the maintenance of mosquito traps, namely repairs, repairs, monthly maintenance and the change of consumables during periods of walking and various supplies necessary for maintenance in perfect condition operating equipment. - As a secondary basis, the acquisition of new adult mosquito traps with olfactory lure and carbon dioxide, as well as the implantation study, all installation work (excluding publication to the public electrical network and realization of bases of the terminals of terminals solar), monitoring and testing of installations according to the standards in force. The market includes a penalty of ensuring the permanent operation of the facilities. 50530000 - Repair and Maintenance Services of Machinery Authority Type: Local gold region at ... France Contract value : 6,000,000.00 EUR Contractors : DRAGAGE AND SYSTEMS CLEANING, LEBLEU, BAUDELET MATERIALS 21/07/2023 10/08/2023 01/01/1900 79705718 10/08/2023 MUNICIPALITY OF HYÈRES LES PALMIERS Address : Address : 12 avenue Joseph Clotis BP 709 Town : Hyères NUTS-Code : FRL05 - Var Postal Code : 83412 Contact Point : Service de la commande publique Phone : +33 494007832 Fax : +33 494007981 France France Contract Awards France 01/08/2023 01/01/1900 1,666,666.67 EUR
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Contract Value
1,666,666.67 EUR
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