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Ventilation Systems for the New Construction Confection Germany

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Contract Award's Details : Ventilation Systems for the New Construction Confection KOELNMESSE GMBH Ventilation Systems for the New Construction Confection Document Type: Voluntary Ex Ante Transparency Notice Title: Ventilation systems for the new construction confexation Contract No. : M911 Reference Number: 2022/S 107-295823 Contract type: Works Estimated value: 1.00 - EUR Description: The new conference, event and exhibition building Confex® is realized on the site of the Koelnmesse west of the existing Hall 2. Together with Hall 1 (new building), which has just been completed, the Confex® represents one of two new buildings, which closes the ensemble of exhibition halls and development buildings to the western areas of the DB and the Rheinpark. The planned new building consists of a large-scale hall, on the north, south and west side of which a multi-storey head building is built. The structure has a total length of approx. 138.50 m and a width of approx. 75.60 m. The Confex® is mainly accessed from the forecourt. A generous staircase and external elevator lead from Messecity to the entrance plateau, the so -called 'table' of the Confex®. 45331210 - Ventilation installation work 45331211 - Outdoor ventilation installation work Authority Ty ... Germany Contract value : 1.00 EUR Contractors : GA-TEC BUILDING AND INTERCHANGING TECHNOLOGY GMBH (COLOGNE BRANCH) 30/05/2022 04/06/2022 01/01/1900 78369635 04/06/2022 KOELNMESSE GMBH Address : Address: Fair Court 1 Town: Cologne Nuts Code: DEA23 - Cologne, Count Free Postal Code: 50679 Germany Germany Contract Awards Germany 30/05/2022 01/01/1900 1.00 EUR
Bolt Other Foundation Copper Other Foundation Ventilation Construction Turned Product and Screw Courts Agriculture Courts Foundation Machine Shops; Turned Product; and Screw Ventilation Copper Construction
Parts of structures Iron, lead, zinc, tin and copper Exhibition, fair and congress organisation services System, storage and content management software package Nuts Construction, foundation and surface works for highways, roads Outdoor ventilation installation work Wells construction work Lead Ensembles Construction work Structures and parts System, storage and content management software development services Ventilation installation work Tables Goods used in construction Colognes Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services Postal orders Staircases Tables, cupboards, desk and bookcases
Europe Western Europe
Civil Works Building Automobiles and Auto Parts Non-Renewable Energy Supply Postal and Courier Services Infrastructure Defence and Security Construction Energy-Power and Electrical Computer Hardwares and Consumables Steel Aviation Building Material Construction Materials
Contract Value
1.00 EUR
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