Contract Details

Execution of the Works of the New Construction of the Open Regime Penitentiary Center 800 Places. Zona Franca (barcelona). Key: Jnp-17210.a Spain

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Contract Award's Details : Execution of the Works of the New Construction of the Open Regime Penitentiary Center 800 Places. Zona Franca (barcelona). Key: Jnp-17210.a INFRASTRUCTURES OF THE GENERALITAT DE CATALUNYA, SAU Execution of the Works of the Project actions of Improvement in the Sports Complex of the Municipal Pool of Alcover to Promote the Territorial Rebalancing and Social Development of the Municipality Execution of the works of the project Actions for improvement in the sports complex of the Municipal Pool of Alcover to promote the territorial rebalancing and the social development of the municipality <B> Description of the benefit: Execution of the works of the project Actions for improvement in the sports complex of the Municipal Pool of Alcover to promote the territorial rebalancing and social development of the municipality <B> LOT DESCRIPTION: loud <B> Estimated value of the contract: 577,882,11 € without VAT <B> Data of the awarded company: Denomination: buildings and repairs Tarraco, SL Nationality: Spain Amount: € 698,168.79 with VAT Amount without VAT: € 576.999.00 <B> Contract adjudication date: 12/01/22 Spain Contract value : 30,282,640.20 EUR Contractors : FCC CONSTRUCTO SA, ELECNOR SERVICIOS Y PROJECTS SAU & SOGESA INSTALLATIONS INTEGRALES SA (UTE) 12/05/2022 20/05/2022 12/07/2022 78029723 28/01/2022 AYUNTAMIENTO DE ALCOVER Address : Spain Spain Spain Contract Awards Spain 12/01/2022 12/07/2022 577,882.11 EUR
Sporting Goods Promoters of Performing Arts Promoters of Performing Arts Construction Promoters of Performing Arts Promoters of Performing Arts Agriculture Sporting Goods Promoters of Performing Arts Construction
Repair, maintenance and associated services related to aircraft and other equipment Construction, foundation and surface works for highways, roads Repair, maintenance and associated services related to marine and other equipment Repair, maintenance and associated services related to aircraft, railways, roads and marine equipment Wells construction work Construction work Construction work for buildings relating to leisure, sports, culture, lodging and restaurants Vats Repair, maintenance and associated services related to roads and other equipment Keys Goods used in construction Repair, maintenance and associated services of vehicles and related equipment Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services Musical instruments, sport goods, games, toys, handicraft, art materials and accessories Repair, maintenance and associated services related to personal computers, office equipment, telecomm... Repair, maintenance and associated services related to railways and other equipment Dates Tools, locks, keys, hinges, fasteners, chain and springs
Europe Southern Europe Western Europe
Civil Works Building Automobiles and Auto Parts Supply Electricity Construction Energy-Power and Electrical Sports and Leisure Computer Hardwares and Consumables Industry Building Material
Contract Value
577,882.11 EUR
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