Contract Details

Provision of Pre -treatment/ Separation/ Mixed Household Waste and Recovery of Biodegradable Waste from Waste Flow Generated on the Territory of Beloslav Municipality Bulgaria

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Contract Award's Details : Provision of Pre -treatment/ Separation/ Mixed Household Waste and Recovery of Biodegradable Waste from Waste Flow Generated on the Territory of Beloslav Municipality BELOSLAV MUNICIPALITY Delivery of Food and Beverages for the Needs of Eating and Entertainment of Op Tourism, Located on the Territory of Burgas Municipality in Separate Positions Document Type: Contract Award Notice Title: Delivery of food and beverages for the needs of eating and entertainment of OP Tourism, located on the territory of Burgas Municipality in lots Contract No. : 92144 Reference Number: 93-op23-3 Contract Type: Supplies Estimated Value: 380000.00 - Bgn Description: “Delivery of food and drinks for the needs of eating and entertainment establishments, entrusted to the management and management of OP Tourism, located on the territory of Burgas Municipality in lots as follows: Lot 1. Meat and meat meat products; Lot 2. Milk and dairy products; Lot 3. Fish and fishery products; Lot 4. Eggs; Lot No. 5. Packaged goods and spices; Lot No. 6. Fresh fruits and vegetables, fresh spices; Lot No. 7. Canned and frozen products; Lot 8. Alcoholic and non -alcoholic beverages. The assortments in lots are exhaustively listed in Annex No 4. 15000000 - Food, Beverage, Tobacco and Related Products 15500000 - Dairy Products 15200000 - ... Bulgaria Contract value : 336,000.00 BGN Contractors : EKOINVEST ASETS HELL 11/05/2023 25/05/2023 01/01/1900 79303087 25/05/2023 BURGAS MUNICIPALITY Address : ADDRESS: ul. Aleksandrovska 26 TOWN: BURGAS NUTS-CODE: BG341 - BURGAS / Burgas Postal Code: 8000 Contact Point: Yanislav Tenev Phone: +359 56907269 FAX: +359 56841996 Bulgaria Bulgaria Contract Awards Bulgaria 09/05/2023 01/01/1900 380,000.00 BGN
Arts Tobacco Management
Fruit, nuts or fruit peel preserved by sugar Spices Fish, crustaceans and aquatic products Beverages, tobacco and related products Vegetables Tobacco goods Fish Eggs Tobacco, tobacco goods and supplies Food, beverage and tobacco-processing machinery Meat Food, beverages, tobacco and related products Cereals, potatoes, vegetables, fruits and nuts Fruit, vegetables and related products Milk Tobacco Cans Vegetables, fruits and nuts Postal orders Canned goods
Eastern Europe Europe
Automobiles and Auto Parts Supply Postal and Courier Services Oil and Gas Travel and Tourism Railways-Rail-Railroad Defence and Security Construction Energy-Power and Electrical Computer Hardwares and Consumables Steel Aviation
Contract Value
380,000.00 BGN
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