Contract Details

Supply of Immunoassay Tests, Kits for the Detection of Viral Dna for Asf and Kits of Reagents for the Automatic Isolation of Viral Nucleic Acids. with the Magnapure96 bc Camera Poland

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Contract Award's Details : Supply of Immunoassay Tests, Kits for the Detection of Viral Dna for Asf and Kits of Reagents for the Automatic Isolation of Viral Nucleic Acids. with the Magnapure96 bc Camera PROVINCIAL VETERINARY INSPECTORATE Mh-2 and Mh-4 Medium and Dock Repair Document Type: Contract award notice Title: MH-2 and MH-4 medium and dock repair Reference Number: 2020 / S 238-589426 Contract Type: Services Estimated Value: 2157174.00 - PLN Description: A detailed description of the subject of the contract was included in the Terms of Reference, which was provided to Contractors invited to submit offers. 50640000 - Repair and maintenance services of warships Authority Type: Body governed by public law Type of Procedure: Restricted procedure Regulation: European Union Bid Type: Not applicable Doc Title: Repair and maintenance services of warships Directive: 2009/81 / EC Dispatch Date: 2020-12-02 Publish Date: 2020-12-07 Poland Contract value : 929,185.78 PLN Contractors : NOACK POLEN SP. Z O.O., BIURO HANDLOWO TECHNICZNE ANIMAL - TRADE SP. Z O.O., ROCHE DIAGNOSTICS POLSKA SP. Z O.O. 24/11/2020 18/12/2020 See in details 76956757 19/12/2020 GDYNIA NAVAL PORT COMMAND Address : Address: Ul. Roundabout of Bitwy pod Oliwa 1 Town: Gdynia Postal Code: 81-103 Phone: +48 261262198 Fax: +48 261262314 Poland Poland Contract Awards Poland 26/11/2020 See in details 2,157,174.00 PLN
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Contract Value
2,157,174.00 PLN
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