Contract Details

Delivery of Oil Products Poland

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Contract Award's Details : Delivery of Oil Products STATE TREASURY - 1 REGIONAL LOGISTICS BASE IN WALCZ Execution of Construction Works in the Field of Reconstruction of the Heating Network (s.c.): from T-48 / P-3 / P-1 to at Lask 6 - Sc Ii 29 Document Type: Contract Award Notice Title: Execution of construction works in the field of reconstruction of the heating network (S.C.): from T-48 / P-3 / P-1 to on the Lask 6 - SC II 29 Contract No. : 15143242- 2021/0101 / P / P Reference Number: 2021/0101 / P / P Contract Type: Works Estimated Value: 423000.00 - PLN Description: Execution of construction works for the reconstruction of the heating network (SC): from T-48 / P-3 / P-1 to on the Lask 6 - SC II 29. As part of the task: Reconstruction of the heating network in Warsaw - construction works for episodes for registration number: SC II 3; SC II 6; SC II 7; SC II 8; SC II 9; SC II 10; SC II 11; SC II 12; SC II 13; SC II 15; SC II 18; SC II 20; SC II 22; SC II 24; SC II 26; SC II 27; SC II 28; SC II 29; SC II 30; SC II 54; SC II 33; SC II 34; SC II 35; SC II 36; SC II 93; SC II 37; SC II 38; SC II 40; SC II 42; SC II 49; SC II 51; SC II 55; SC II 56; SC II 57; SC II 58; SC II 62; SC II 69; SC II 70; SC II 75; SC II 80; SC II 83; SC II 88. As part of the project: Modernization of the Warsaw District Network in the Capital City of Warsaw in order to reduce carbon dioxide emissions and improve energy efficiency - ETA ... Poland Contract value : 1,267,840.00 PLN Contractors : LOTOS OIL SP. Z O. O., WALIGÓRA MARIUSZ FIRMA HANDLOWA OLMEX, TRADE BIURO JOTA SP. Z O. O. O. 06/04/2022 14/04/2022 01/01/1900 78207012 21/03/2022 VEOLIA ENERGIA WARSAW S.A. Address : Address : Stefana Batorego 2 Town : Warsaw NUTS-Code : PL926 - Zyrardowski Postal Code : 02-591 Contact Point : Helena Pietrzak Phone : +48 665330034 Poland Poland Contract Awards Poland 22/02/2022 01/01/1900 423,000.00 PLN
Ventilation Plumbing Construction Agriculture Plumbing Ventilation Construction
Networks Networking, Internet and intranet software development services Construction, foundation and surface works for highways, roads Oil, petrol and air-intake filters Carbon Wells construction work Heating works Construction work Electricity, heating, solar and nuclear energy Networking, Internet and intranet software package Goods used in construction Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services Postal orders Heating, ventilation and air-conditioning installation work
Eastern Europe Europe
Civil Works Building Automobiles and Auto Parts Non-Renewable Energy Supply Energy Postal and Courier Services Oil and Gas Construction Energy-Power and Electrical Computer Hardwares and Consumables Steel Oil and Gas Product and Equipment Building Material
Contract Value
423,000.00 PLN
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