Contract Details

Tdc Pc Construction Of 3 Bungalows - Barnfield Way, Hurst Green - Award United Kingdom

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Contract Award's Details : Tdc Pc Construction Of 3 Bungalows - Barnfield Way, Hurst Green - Award Jacob A Hughes 8 Station Road East Surrey Rh8 0Bt United Kingdom Telephone: 01883 722000 Email: Jhughes@Tandridge.Gov.Uk Webaddress: Www.Tandridge.Gov.Uk Tdc Pc Construction Of 3 Bungalows - Barnfield Way, Hurst Green - Award Contract awarded for Tandridge district council is seeking to appoint a suitably experienced contractor for the construction of 3 new homes on a open space site on barnfield way, hurst green, oxted. The development comprises 3 x single storey 1 bedroom bungalows, parking and landscaping, works to safeguard and remove trees and other associated works onsite. A copy of the following documents are attached: o drawings accompanying planning application and on which the consent is based; o design and access statement accompanying the planning application o associated planning consent o employers requirements and associated annexes planning consent was granted on the 27th april 2018. This will be a two stage procurement process beginning with the issuing of the pqq to draw up a shortlist. Contract start date: 24 August 2018 United Kingdom Contract value : 700,000.00 GBP Contractors : AMCM GROUP LTD See in details 12/04/2019 11/07/2019 13136134 12/04/2019 Jacob A Hughes 8 Station Road East Surrey Rh8 0Bt United Kingdom Telephone: 01883 722000 Email: Jhughes@Tandridge.Gov.Uk Webaddress: Www.Tandridge.Gov.Uk Address : United Kingdom United Kingdom Contract Awards United Kingdom See in details 11/07/2019 700,000.00 GBP
Nonferrous Metal (except Copper and Aluminum) Rolling Nonferrous Metal (except Copper and Aluminum) Rolling Copper Rolling Construction Copper Rolling Other Aluminum Rolling Agriculture Construction Process
Earthmoving and excavating machinery, and associated parts Bedroom, dining room and living-room furniture Construction work for pipelines, communication and power lines, for highways, roads, airfields and ra... Construction, foundation and surface works for highways, roads Wells construction work Document creation, drawing, imaging, scheduling and productivity software package Construction work Foundation work for highways, roads, streets and footpaths Document creation, drawing, imaging, scheduling and productivity software development services Construction work for highways, roads Trees Landscaping work Seats, chairs and related products, and associated parts Goods used in construction Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services Designs Dates
Europe Northern Europe
Civil Works Automobiles and Auto Parts Supply Roads and Highways-Bridge Infrastructure Environmental Work Defence and Security Construction Energy-Power and Electrical Computer Hardwares and Consumables
Contract Value
700,000.00 GBP
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