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Package Consumables Compatible with Appliances for Renal Supple Therapies Fresenius Multifiltrates in the Endowment of the Cardiovascular Surgery Section- Framework Agreement 36 Months Romania

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Contract Award's Details : Package Consumables Compatible with Appliances for Renal Supple Therapies Fresenius Multifiltrates in the Endowment of the Cardiovascular Surgery Section- Framework Agreement 36 Months EMERGENCY COUNTY CLINICAL HOSPITAL SF. APOSTLE ANDREI Package Consumables Compatible with Appliances for Renal Supple Therapies Fresenius Multifiltrates in the Endowment of the Cardiovascular Surgery Section- Framework Agreement 36 Months Document Type: ARWARD NOTICE AGREEMENT Titles: Package consumables compatible with appliances for renal supple therapies Fresenius Multifiltrates in the endowment of the Cardiovascular Surgery section- Framework agreement 36 months Contract No.: Ac.61673 Reference Number: 4301103_2023_Paapd1431717 Type contract: Supplies Estimated Value: 6375262 - Ron Description: The object of the public procurement contract to be awarded consists in the purchase of consumables compatible with the appliances for Renal supple therapies Fresenius Multifiltrates in the endowment of the Cardiovascular Surgery Section. br Framework agreement 36 months: The value of the framework agreement is between at least 269,615.00 lei without VAT and maximum 6,540,600.00 lei without VAT. br The value of the largest subsequent contract that is estimated to be concluded on the basis of the framework agreement: 168,215.00 lei without VAT. br The value of the participation guarantee: 1% of the value of the highest subsequent contract: 1.682.15 lei. br The subsequent contracts of the framework agreement will be concluded monthly, at the beginning of each year until the approval of the Income and Expenditure Budget of SCJU Constanta and Maxim for a period of ... Romania Contract value : 6,375,262.00 RON Contractors : FRESENIUS MEDICAL CARE ROMANIA S.R.L. 10/10/2023 16/10/2023 01/01/1900 79970764 16/10/2023 EMERGENCY COUNTY CLINICAL HOSPITAL SF. APOSTLE ANDREI Address : Address: no. 145 Town: Constan a Nuts -code: RO223 - Constanta Postal Code: 900591 Contact Point: Bianca Dumitrescu Phone: +40 241503255 Fax: +40 241660473 Romania Romania Contract Awards Romania 10/10/2023 01/01/1900 6,375,262.00 RON
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Contract Value
6,375,262.00 RON
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