Contract Details

Full Risk Technical Assistance and Maintenance Service on General Electric Brand High-tech Electromedical Equipment Supplied with Asl Napoli 1 Center Facilities Italy

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Contract Award's Details : Full Risk Technical Assistance and Maintenance Service on General Electric Brand High-tech Electromedical Equipment Supplied with Asl Napoli 1 Center Facilities ASL NAPOLI 1 CENTER Framework Agreement for Maintenance Services of the Horizontal Green Present in the Green Areas of the Municipal Territory Divided Into 11 Lots Document Type: Contract award notice Title: Framework agreement for the horizontal green maintenance services present in the green areas of the municipality divided into 11 lots Contract No: 150/19 Reference Number: 2021 / S 166-435566 Contract Type: Services Estimated Value: 5304213.69 - EUR Description: Conclusion of first contracts to implement the Agreement referred framework for the horizontal green maintenance services present in the green areas of the municipality divided into 11 lots. In particular, this Agreement provides: ITALY 1. mowing grass in the play areas, playgrounds, parks and gardens, grassy squares, Buy, 2. mowing in parks, road parterres, flower beds and road traffic 3. spollonature of road trees and green areas during surgery mowing, Buy, 4. pruning of some of the massive shrubs, hedges, shrubs, according to urgencies, 5. small maintenance work and occasional indication of the administrative requirements related to: furniture, watering plants, ornamental and wild plants; 6. Urgent pruning and felling of sog ... Italy Contract value : 738,000.00 EUR Contractors : GE MEDICAL SYSTEMS ITALY S.P.A. 12/08/2021 07/09/2021 01/01/1900 77603755 07/09/2021 MUNICIPALITY OF PADUA Address : Address: Via del Municipio Town: Padua NUTS-CODE: ITH36 - Padua Postal Code: 35122 Contact Point: Dr. Ciro degli Innocenti Italy Italy Contract Awards Italy 19/05/2021 01/01/1900 5,304,213.69 EUR
Soil Preparation Navigational Flower Regulation and Administration of Communications Furniture Machinery Medical Regulation and Administration of Communications Flower Navigational Medical
Ornamental plants, grasses, mosses or lichens Construction work for pipelines, communication and power lines, for highways, roads, airfields and ra... System, storage and content management software package Plants Shrubs Construction, foundation and surface works for highways, roads Furniture Squares Parts of furniture Foundation work for highways, roads, streets and footpaths Construction work for highways, roads System, storage and content management software development services Trees Other services Postal orders
Europe Southern Europe Western Europe
Environment and Pollution-Recycling Furniture Automobiles and Auto Parts Non-Renewable Energy Supply Solar Photovoltaic PV Energy Postal and Courier Services Roads and Highways-Bridge Printing and Publishing Services Railways-Rail-Railroad Electricity Construction Energy-Power and Electrical Computer Hardwares and Consumables Steel Aviation
Contract Value
5,304,213.69 EUR
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