Contract Details

Purchase of Electricity for the Glogów Malopolski Commune, Ekoglog Sp. from O.o. and Other Municipal Organizational Units Poland

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Contract Award's Details : Purchase of Electricity for the Glogów Malopolski Commune, Ekoglog Sp. from O.o. and Other Municipal Organizational Units GLOGÓW MALOPOLSKI COMMUNE Purchase of Electricity for the Glogów Malopolski Commune, Ekoglog Sp. from O.o. and Other Municipal Organizational Units Document Type: Contract Award Notice Title: Purchase of electricity for the Glogów Malopolski commune, Ekoglog Sp. from o.o. and other municipal organizational units Reference Number: or.271.2.2022 Contract Type: Supplies Estimated Value: 5593687.58 - PLN Description: 1. The contractor is a contractor for the contracting authority for electricity supplies for street lighting, buildings and facilities managed by the Glogów Municipality of Mlp., Ekogrog company and other organizational units of the commune. This order does not include electricity distribution services. 2. The electricity will be implemented in accordance with the provisions of the Energy Law Act (consolidated text. Journal of Laws of 2021, item 716, as amended) to the facilities listed in Annex No. 1 to SWZ. 3. A description of the subject of the order is contained in a document constituting Annex 1 to SWZ. 4. Working demand for electricity in the period: 01.03.2022 - 28.02.2024 is 7 043 592 kWh (ie 3,521 796 kWh - in the annual period). 09310000 - Electricity 09300000 - Electricity, Heating, Solar and Nuclear Energ ... Poland Contract value : 5,593,687.58 PLN Contractors : PGE ROTATION S.A. UL. 8 MARCH 6 35-959 RZESZÓW 08/03/2022 17/03/2022 01/01/1900 78198124 17/03/2022 GLOGÓW MALOPOLSKI COMMUNE Address : Street: ul. Market 1 City: Glogów Malopolski Postal Code: 36-060 Voivodeship: Podkarpackie Country: Poland City: Glogów Malopolski HTTP://WWW.GLOGOW-MLP.PL/ Poland Poland Contract Awards Poland 08/03/2022 01/01/1900 5,593,687.58 PLN
Power Ventilation Plumbing Highway Highway Plumbing Highway Ventilation
Electricity distribution Journals Heating works Newspapers, journals, periodicals and magazines Electricity, heating, solar and nuclear energy Nuclear, biological, chemical and radiological protection equipment Electricity supplies Other services Electricity Postal orders Heating, ventilation and air-conditioning installation work
Eastern Europe Europe
Building Automobiles and Auto Parts Non-Renewable Energy Supply Solar Photovoltaic PV Energy Light and Lighting Products Bridges and Tunnels Energy Postal and Courier Services Roads and Highways-Bridge Law and Legal Services Defence and Security Electricity Construction Energy-Power and Electrical Computer Hardwares and Consumables Steel Building Material Marine
Contract Value
5,593,687.58 PLN
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