Contract Details

Repair and Maintenance Services for Britten-norman Bn2a-27 Islander Romania

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Contract Award's Details : Repair and Maintenance Services for Britten-norman Bn2a-27 Islander NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR AEROSPACE RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT ELIE CARAFOLI - I.N.C.A.S. BUCHAREST Repair and Maintenance Services for Britten-norman Bn2a-27 Islander Document Type: Contract Award Notice Title: Repair and maintenance services for Britten-Norman BN2A-27 ISLANDER Contract No.: 6 Reference Number: 434670_2019_10 Contract Type: Services Description: We mention that the acquisition of repair and maintenance services for Britten-Norman BN2A - 27 Islander, S / N: 824, 806 and 808, - including calendar services, periodical services, repair services for structure, engines, assemblies and subassemblies, For the next 12 months, 100 hours of flight / aircraft, it is necessary for optimal operations in the activities of national interest installations in CAS Bucharest, as well as national and international projects, according to their specifications and requirements . br In accordance with Regulation 2018/1139, respectively 1321/2014, any aircraft operated in the Community space must meet the minimum operating conditions, which is fulfilled by a continuous process of inspection and repair, in order to maintain aircraft airworthiness status . br Repair and maintenance services for AVI ... Romania Contract value : See in details Contractors : SUPERIOR CIVIL AVIATION SCHOOL 08/10/2019 20/04/2022 01/01/1900 78277597 20/04/2022 NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR AEROSPACE RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT ELIE CARAFOLI - I.N.C.A.S. BUCHAREST Address : Address: Nr. 220 Town: Bucuresti NUTS-CODE: RO321 - Bucharest Postal Code: 061126 Contact Point: Nadina Nistor, Magdalena Ardelean Phone: +40 214340083 / + 40 0740184377 / + 40 0726649846 Fax: +40 0214340082 Romania Romania Contract Awards Romania 08/10/2019 01/01/1900 See in details
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Parts of structures Repair, maintenance and associated services related to aircraft and other equipment Calendars Repair, maintenance and associated services related to marine and other equipment Parts for aircraft, spacecraft and helicopters Repair, maintenance and associated services related to aircraft, railways, roads and marine equipment Research, testing and scientific technical simulator Other community, social and personal services Periodicals Structures and parts Repair, maintenance and associated services related to roads and other equipment Engine parts Engines Other services Repair, maintenance and associated services of vehicles and related equipment Repair, maintenance and associated services related to personal computers, office equipment, telecomm... Postal orders Parts for aircraft Repair, maintenance and associated services related to railways and other equipment
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