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Project Management Missions Relating to the Compliance of Institutions of the Social Action Center of the City of Paris (casvp) Vis-à-vis the Fire Safety in Two Geographical Lots France

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Contract Award's Details : Project Management Missions Relating to the Compliance of Institutions of the Social Action Center of the City of Paris (casvp) Vis-à-vis the Fire Safety in Two Geographical Lots CASVP Project Management Missions Relating to the Compliance of Institutions of the Social Action Center of the City of Paris (casvp) Vis-à-vis the Fire Safety in Two Geographical Lots Document Type: Contract AWARD Record Title: project management missions relating to the compliance of the institutions of the Social Action Center of the City of Paris (CASVP) vis-à-vis the fire safety in two geographical lots Contract No.: 2021TP0139NS REFERENCE NUMBER: CEMA3_MOE_SSI_2021 Contract Type: Services ESTIMATED VALUE: 2400000 - EUR Description: The purpose of this framework agreement is for diagnostic, project management and coordination missions for the institutions of the Social Action Center of the City of Paris (CASVP). The institutions concerned are various (residences classified Housing-Foyer, ERP, work premises). This Framework Agreement provides for two types of benefits: - SSI coordination in the design phase, realization and reception; - Project management consisting of the following mission: which appears in Articles R. 2431-1 to R. 2432-7 of the Code of Public Order specifying the technical modalities of execution of the confident project management mission elements by public owners to private law providers. 71320000 - Engineering Design S ... France Contract value : 2,400,000.00 EUR Contractors : BATISIA SARL BECOMES SASUR 07/07/2021 15/07/2021 01/01/1900 77402054 15/07/2021 CASVP Address : Address : 5 boulevard Diderot Town : Paris NUTS-Code : FRI3 - Poitou-Charentes Postal Code : 75589 France France Contract Awards France 07/07/2021 01/01/1900 2,400,000.00 EUR
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Contract Value
2,400,000.00 EUR
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