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dedicated Software Development, Necessary to Determine the Quantities of Reserve Using the Probabilistic Method Romania

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Contract Award's Details : dedicated Software Development, Necessary to Determine the Quantities of Reserve Using the Probabilistic Method THE NATIONAL COMPANY FOR THE TRANSPORT OF ELECTRICITY TRANSELECTRICA S.A. dedicated Software Development, Necessary to Determine the Quantities of Reserve Using the Probabilistic Method Document Type: ARWARD NOTICE AGREEMENT Titles: Dedicated software development, necessary to determine the quantities of reserve using the probabilistic method Reference Number: 13328043/2023/31460 Type contract: Supplies Description: Through the sectoral acquisition to be promoted, the following products and services will be purchased. br Making a computer application dedicated to sizing reserves using probabilistic methods, representing a personalized software, with which the beneficiary can calculate the requirement of reserves for each dispatch interval (60 and 15 minutes) and on each direction of a requested period, in accordance with section A 2, from the ANRE Order no. 219/2019. The calculation application will necessarily use as entry data the parameters defined in Art. 9, par. (4), a), b), c), from this order. Also, the application will have the opportunity to enter as entry data and the factors specified in Art. 9, par. (4), d) of the same order. The duration for which the dimension is made will be equal to the period of purchase of the reserves, respectively the calendar day, and the sizing interval will be one hour (resulting 24 ... Romania Contract value : See in details Contractors : HOLISTION SOFTWARE CONSULTING 20/02/2024 23/02/2024 01/01/1900 80680365 23/02/2024 THE NATIONAL COMPANY FOR THE TRANSPORT OF ELECTRICITY TRANSELECTRICA S.A. Address : Address: Sector 3 Town: Bucharest Nuts -code: RO321 - Bucharest Postal Code: 010325 Contact Point: Commercial Directorate - Cristina Oprisa Phone: +40 213035786 Fax: +40 213035670 Romania Romania Contract Awards Romania 20/02/2024 01/01/1900 See in details
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