Contract Details

Luncheon vouchers Bulgaria

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Contract Award's Details : Luncheon vouchers MBAL Pazardzhik AD ul. Bolnichna No. 15 For the attention of: Vladimir Tomov 4400 Pazardzhik BULGARIA Telephone: +359 34408603 Fax: +359 34408766 Internet address (es): General address of the contracting authority: htt Supply of medical equipment and devices in projects of the mid-term investment program (SRIP), funded under the Operational Program Regional Development 2007-2013, by lots, as follows: - Lot ? 1: S Contract award: Supply of medical equipment and devices in projects of the mid-term investment program (SRIP), funded under the Operational Program Regional Development 2007-2013, by lots, as follows: - Lot ? 1: Supply of equipment for central sterilization; - Lot ? 2: Supply of equipment for intraoperative radiotherapy / kV system for intraoperative treatment; - Lot ? 3: Supply of integrated operating system; - Lot ? 4: Supply of nuclear magnetic resonance - 3 Tesla; - Lot ? 5: Supply of anesthesia machines. Supply of medical equipment and apparatus projects of the mid-term investment program (SRIP), funded under the Operational Program Regional Development 2007-2013 . The contract consists of five (5) lots: 1. Lot ? 1: Supply of equipment for central sterilization, consisting of 4 (four) Nomenclature of Units: 1.1. Nomenclature unit ? 1: Supply of equipment for central sterilization for the needs of the Hospital St. Marina EAD, Varna; 1.2. Nomenclature unit ? 2: Supply of equipment for central sterilization for the needs of University Hospital Dr. George Stransky, Pleven; 1.3. Nomenclature unit ? 3 Delivery of equipment for central sterilization for the needs of Oncology Hospital JSC; 1.4. Nomenclature unit ? 4: Supply of equipment for central sterilization for the needs of Aleksandrovska EAD, Sofia. 2. Lot ? 2: Supply of equipment for intraoperative radiotherapy / kV system for intraoperative treatment; 3. Lot ? 3: Supply of integrated operating system; 4. Lot ? 4: Supply of nuclear magnetic resonance - 3 Tesla; 5. Lot ? 5: Supply of anesthesia machines. The object of the contract includes the implementation of the following activities: - Supply of medical equipment and devices for the needs of Aleksandrovska Jsc. - Sofia; St.. George Jsc. - Plovdiv; Hospital Burgas AD - c. Burgas; Oncology Hospital EAD, Sofia; University Hospital Dr. George Stransky , Pleven; Hospital St. Marina EAD,. Varna; - Assembly, installation and commissioning of the supplied medical equipment and apparatus; - Training for working with the supplied medical equipment and apparatus; - Warranty service of the supplied medical equipment and apparatus. The supplier must carry out personnel training on the following schedule: Position ? 1 - in place, lasting five days, at least 2 (two) employees of the hospital. Position ? 2 - a place, lasting five days, at least 2 (two) doctors from the hospital. Position ? 3 - place, lasting five days, at least 2 (two) doctors from the hospital. Position ? 4 - Application site training at least two doctors and a minimum of two technicians from the hospital in 2 stages as follows: - The first stage of training in basic reference center manufacturer with a duration of not less than 5 working days - before putting the unit into operation; Bulgaria Contract value : See in details Contractors : TOMBAUGH BULGARIA OOD UIC 040336507 See in details 11/09/2015 11/12/2015 9941725 11/09/2015 Ministerstvo na zdraveopzavneto ploshtad Sv. Nedelya No. 5 Contact point (s): Direktsiya NROPZ For the attention of: Ivo Yanchev 1000 Sofiya BULGARIA Telephone: +359 29301466 Internet address (es): General address of t Address : Bulgaria Bulgaria Contract Awards Bulgaria 319109-2015 See in details 11/12/2015 See in details
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