Contract Details

Services for the Drafting of Reinforcement Projects and Improvement of Tunnels of the Conventional and Metric Width. (8 Units - 2 Lots) Spain

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Contract Award's Details : Services for the Drafting of Reinforcement Projects and Improvement of Tunnels of the Conventional and Metric Width. (8 Units - 2 Lots) RAILWAY INFRASTRUCTURE ADMINISTRATOR Contract Based on the Framework Agreement for the Supply, Respectful of the Environment, of Magnetic Resonance Equipment (am 2021/104). Lot 2: Type 2 Rm Team, Autonomous Community of La Rioja Document Type: Contract Award Notice Title: Contract based on the framework agreement for the supply, respectful of the environment, of magnetic resonance equipment (AM 2021/104). Lot 2: Type 2 RM team, Autonomous Community of La Rioja Contract No.: 40-4-7.07-0017/2022 Reference Number: 40-4-7.07-0017/2022 Contract Type: Supplies Estimated Value: 1587199.00 - EUR Description: Contract based on the framework agreement for the supply, respectful of the environment, of magnetic resonance equipment (RM), for several autonomous communities and organizations of the General State Administration, (AM 2021/104). Lot 2: Type 2 RM team, for the Autonomous Community of La Rioja. Renewal of one (1) equipment and expansion of one (1) team. Project financed by the European Union through the recovery and resilience-Nextgeneration EU mechanism, financial instrument of investment C18.I1. SNS high -tech equipment investment plan, of the recovery, transformation and resilience plan of the Government of Spain. 33100000 - Medical Equipments Authority Type: other Type of procedure: Open procedure <... Spain Contract value : 150,110.00 EUR Contractors : ICYFSA INGENIERÍA S.L. 12/07/2022 20/07/2022 01/01/1900 78476116 20/07/2022 RIOJA HEALTH FOUNDATION Address : Address : 3º PLANTA Town : Logroño NUTS-Code : ES230 - La Rioja Postal Code : 26006 Phone : +34 941278855 Fax : +34 941278887 Spain Spain Contract Awards Spain 01/06/2022 01/01/1900 1,587,199.00 EUR
Other Direct Insurance (except Life Other Foundation Other Foundation Machinery Medical Direct Insurance (except Life Direct Life Foundation Environment Medical
Foundation work Medical equipments Medical equipments, pharmaceuticals and personal care products Repair, maintenance and associated services related to aircraft, railways, roads and marine equipment Tunnelling works Other community, social and personal services Construction work for engineering works except bridges, tunnels, shafts and subways Other services Administration, defence and social security services Postal orders Railway points
Europe Southern Europe Western Europe
Environment and Pollution-Recycling Automobiles and Auto Parts Non-Renewable Energy Supply Bridges and Tunnels Postal and Courier Services Roads and Highways-Bridge Infrastructure Services Cement and Asbestos Products Defence and Security Electricity Infrastructure and Tunnels Construction Energy-Power and Electrical Computer Hardwares and Consumables Steel Aviation Construction Materials
Contract Value
1,587,199.00 EUR
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