Contract Details

Purchase Of Passenger Car Slovakia

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Contract Award's Details : Purchase Of Passenger Car Obec Partizánska Lupca Ico:00315656 Partizánska Lupca 417, 03215 Partizánska Lupca Slovensko Kontaktná Osoba:Bc. Ladislav Balážec Telefón:+421 445570754 Fax:+421 445570753 Email:Obec.Part.Lupca@Stonline.Sk Webové Sídlo (Intern Fuel, Washing And Vacuuming Smv Notice of Contract Award: Fuel, Washing and vacuuming smv Purchase of fuel unleaded automobile gasoline and diesel fuel, Supplied on the principle of acceptance of the candidate card as a means of non-cash payment for withdrawn fuel at the filling stations of the applicant and its contractual partners, Including issuing and delivering fuel cards, Clearing of delivered fuel, Provision of financial and other services associated with their delivery, -the washing and vacuuming of vehicles, The washing of vehicles on an automatic washing line and the self-service vacuuming of vehicles at the service stations of the applicant and its contractors provided on the principle of acceptance of the applicant~~s fuel card as a means of non-cash payment for withdrawn services on the applicant~~s wash lines and service stations and its contractors, Including the issuance and delivery of fuel cards, The clearing of withdrawn services, The provision of financial and other delivery services. Date of contract award: 26.06.2019 The total value of the contract / part Slovakia Contract value : 5,400.00 SKK Contractors : GRANT THORTHON VALUATIONS S.R.O. See in details 07/08/2019 26/09/2019 13534598 15/07/2019 Financné Riaditelstvo Slovenskej Republiky Vnútroštátne Identifikacné Císlo:42499500 Lazovná 63, 97401 Banská Bystrica Kód Nuts:Sk032 Slovensko Kontaktná Osoba:Mgr. Petra Havelková; Paeddr. Kornélia Cerná Telefón:+421 249234355 / 24 Address : Slovakia Slovakia Contract Awards Slovakia See in details 26/09/2019 329,502.00 SKK
Bolt Turned Product and Screw Machine Shops; Turned Product; and Screw
Petroleum products, fuel, electricity and other sources of energy Diesel fuel Earthmoving and excavating machinery, and associated parts Nuts Fuels ID cards Machinery for cleaning, filling, packing or wrapping bottles or other containers Diesel fuel (0,2) Passenger cars Parts of dishwashing machines and of machines for cleaning, filling, packing or wrapping Parts of other vehicles Other services Seats, chairs and related products, and associated parts Parts of fuel, hand and concrete pumps Other passenger cars
Fuels Diesel fuel Nuts Awards Case making services Generating Set, Gasoline
Eastern Europe Europe
Environment and Pollution-Recycling Automobiles and Auto Parts Supply Roads and Highways-Bridge Oil and Gas Telecommunications Law and Legal Printing and Publishing Services Defence and Security Construction Energy-Power and Electrical Computer Hardwares and Consumables Petroleum Products
Contract Value
329,502.00 SKK
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