Contract Details

Delivery of Drinking Water, Discharge and Treatment of Wastewater for Sites of St. Marina Ead for a Period of 3 (three) Years Bulgaria

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Contract Award's Details : Delivery of Drinking Water, Discharge and Treatment of Wastewater for Sites of St. Marina Ead for a Period of 3 (three) Years UNIVERSITY MULTIDISCIPLINARY HOSPITAL FOR ACTIVE TREATMENT ST. MARINA EAD Exercise Construction Supervision in the Implementation of Construction and Installation and Repair Works of Municipal Sites in 12 Lots: Document Type: Contract Award Notice Title: Exercise construction supervision in the execution of construction and installation and repair works at municipal sites in 12 lots: Contract No. : 110508 Reference Number: 2023/S 185-579770 Contract Type: Services Estimated Value: 5600.00 - Bgn Description: Exercise construction supervision in the execution of construction and installation and repair works at municipal sites in 12 lots: Lot 3-New street lighting of the Veloaleya from Sunny Beach (I-9 road) to PI 51500.57.53, Nessebar land; in the mandatory scope in accordance with the requirements of the Spatial Planning Act, the requirements of Ordinance No. 3 of July 31, 2003 on the preparation of acts and protocols during construction, taking into account the requirements of the Ordinance on the essential requirements for the construction products and the compliance of construction products and all legal and by -laws in the field of design, construction and commissioning of the works in the Republic of Bulgaria. 71521000 - Construction -Site Supervision Services Authority Type: Regional Or Local Authority Type of Procedure: ... Bulgaria Contract value : 1,447,333.33 BGN Contractors : WATER SUPPLY AND SEWERAGE - VARNA LTD. 14/09/2023 28/09/2023 01/01/1900 79942316 28/09/2023 NESSEBAR MUNICIPALITY Address : ADDRESS: Ul. Edelweiss 10 Town: Nesebar NUTS-CODE: BG341 - BURGAS / Burgas Postal Code: 8230 Contact Point: Surreya ISUF Phone: +359 55429399 FAX: +359 55429399 Bulgaria Bulgaria Contract Awards Bulgaria 11/09/2023 01/01/1900 5,600.00 BGN
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Contract Value
5,600.00 BGN
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