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Open Procedure periodic Delivery of Gases for Medical Use and Provision of Equipment for Their Storage and Consumption for the University Hospital st. Ivan Rilski ”ead, Reference Number: 40/2022 Bulgaria

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Contract Award's Details : Open Procedure periodic Delivery of Gases for Medical Use and Provision of Equipment for Their Storage and Consumption for the University Hospital st. Ivan Rilski ”ead, Reference Number: 40/2022 UNIVERSITY MULTIDISCIPLINARY HOSPITAL FOR ACTIVE TREATMENT ST. IVAN RILSKI EAD Delivery of Laboratory and Medical Equipment Involving Five Lots Document Type: Contract Award Notice Title: Delivery of Laboratory and Medical Equipment, including five lots of Contract No. : 80629 Reference Number: 2023/S 040-114077 Contract Type: Supplies Estimated Value: 16750.50 - Bgn Description: The object of the public procurement is delivery within the meaning of Art. 3, para. 1, item 2 of the Public Procurement Act, as the selected contractor should ensure the delivery of laboratory and medical equipment divided into 5 (five) lots: Lot 1: digital oscilloscope; Lot 2: digital multimeter; Lot 3: Oxygen concentrator with flow indicator and humidifier; Lot 4: Universal infusion syringe pump; Lot 5: Electric aspirator The execution of the public procurement is carried out in stages as follows: The delivery of laboratory equipment to the mentioned places at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski ”. Warranty service of the delivered laboratory equipment and delivery of the required parts and materials, within the proposed warranty period from the date of signing of the acceptance and transmission ... Bulgaria Contract value : 331,480.00 BGN Contractors : SOL BULGARIA EAD 31/01/2023 14/02/2023 01/01/1900 79097409 25/02/2023 SOFIA UNIVERSITY ST. KLIMENT OHRIDSKI Address : ADDRESS: Ul. Tsar Liberator 15 Town: sofia NUTS-CODE: BG411 - Sofia (capital) / Sofia (Stolitsa) Postal Code: 1504 Contact Point: Peter Stanulov Phone: +359 28464210 FAX: +359 28464210 Bulgaria Bulgaria Contract Awards Bulgaria 20/02/2023 01/01/1900 16,750.50 BGN
Arts Justice Regulation and Administration of Communications Justice Other Justice Machinery Medical Colleges Regulation and Administration of Communications Colleges Colleges Other Justice Medical
Transmission, cam- and crank- shafts Parts of pumps, compressors, engines or motors Gases Oxygen Laboratory, optical and precision equipments (excl. glasses) Medical equipments Medical equipments, pharmaceuticals and personal care products Pumps Laboratory, hygienic or pharmaceutical glassware Other services Syringes Postal orders Oscilloscopes Dates Works of art
Eastern Europe Europe
Environment and Pollution-Recycling Automobiles and Auto Parts Supply Postal and Courier Services Oil and Gas Law and Legal Printing and Publishing Electricity Construction Energy-Power and Electrical Computer Hardwares and Consumables Steel Laboratory Equipment and Services Aviation
Contract Value
16,750.50 BGN
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