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Second Additional Financing for the Serbia Accelerating Innovation and Growth Entrepreneurship Project Republic of Serbia Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation (NITRA) The project's development objective is to improve (i) the relevance and excellence of scientific research, and (ii) innovative entrepreneurship and access to finance for enterprise growth, as a way of contributing to Serbia's growth and competitiveness. Relevance of research refers to the potential of research results to be commercialized on the market, thus contributing to the economy, while excellence refers to international recognition of the quality of the research. P181485 Europe and Central Asia Investment Project Financing 26,700,000 Serbia Sanitation 26,700,000 Republic of Serbia
Second Additional Financing for the Serbia Accelerating Innovation and Growth Entrepreneurship Project Republic of Serbia Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation (NITRA) The project's development objective is to improve (i) the relevance and excellence of scientific research, and (ii) innovative entrepreneurship and access to finance for enterprise growth, as a way of contributing to Serbia's growth and competitiveness. Relevance of research refers to the potential of research results to be commercialized on the market, thus contributing to the economy, while excellence refers to international recognition of the quality of the research. P181485 Europe and Central Asia Investment Project Financing 26,700,000 Serbia Sanitation 26,700,000 Republic of Serbia
Eastern Europe Europe Southern Europe
Water and Sanitation Printing and Publishing Railways-Rail-Railroad Electricity Construction Energy-Power and Electrical Computer Hardwares and Consumables Marine
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